Perl programming is an *empirical* science!

Almost nothing in Perl serves a single purpose.

I think I'm likely to be certified before Perl is.

Perl has a long tradition of working around compilers.

Perl should remain fast and intuitive (to the extent that it is :-)

Perhaps you should compile your Perl with long doubles one of these megaseconds.

Any false value is gonna be fairly boring in Perl, mathematicians notwithstanding.

As pointed out in a followup, Real Perl Programmers prefer things to be visually distinct.

The world has become a larger place. The universe has been expanding, and Perl's been expanding along with the universe.

There is no schedule. We are all volunteers, so we get it done when we get it done. Perl 5 still works fine, and we plan to take the right amount of time on Perl 6.

Perl was designed to work more like a natural language. It's a little more complicated but there are more shortcuts, and once you learned the language, it's more expressive.

I want people to use Perl. I want to be a positive ingredient of the world and make my American history. So, whatever it takes to give away my software and get it used, that's great.

When I announced the development of Perl 6, I said it was going to be a community design. I designed Perl, myself. It's limited by my own brain power. So I wanted Perl 6 to be a community design.

Ruby inherited the Perl philosophy of having more than one way to do the same thing. I inherited that philosophy from Larry Wall, who is my hero actually. I want to make Ruby users free. I want to give them the freedom to choose.

A lot of the websites built through the 1990s used Perl. The first webmaster of Sun Microsystems coined a wonderful phrase. He said Perl is the duck tape of the Internet - it's this language that people would write all these scripts that make things just work.

The main languages out of which web applications are built - whether it's Perl or Python or PHP or any of the other languages - those are all open source languages. So the infrastructure of the web is open source... the web as we know it is completely dependent on open source.

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