I write about personal experiences.

We've always written from personal experiences.

You are the architect of your personal experience.

A failed personal experience is just fear and anxiety.

Every personal experience of my life impacts my music.

The one reality you can't evade is personal experience.

Religion idolizes concepts and avoids personal experience.

Personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see.

I am a songwriter. I do get to put my personal experiences in song.

I do write a lot from personal experience, but I also embellish a bit.

Nothing I ever wrote had a message. It was just my own personal experience.

Religion is not 'doctrinal knowledge,' but wisdom born of personal experience.

Sometimes you develop a passion for something because of some personal experience.

I share my personal experiences of what is right according to me in a particular situation.

I am always so excited to get to know a new audience. My concerts are very personal experiences.

Fear that comes from personal experience is far more real than fear based on someone else's ordeal.

I'm still writing from personal experiences, which is what people connected with in the first place.

I am the the type to have a personal experience with a celebrity, but I'm too classy to bring that up.

My first album is a lot of my personal experiences. I wanted people to relate to what I've been through.

I would guess that about 75% of my stories are like that - personal experiences that I probably over-milk.

Everything can be grist for the muse. Sometimes, writers draw on personal experiences. 'Ghoul' was just that.

I get ideas from my own personal experiences, from my imagination, and from my research and from old stories.

I love being part of campaigns and events that are working with kids and just sharing my personal experiences.

I will say that a lot of songs that I've written are from my own personal experiences which are special to me.

There are many truths of which the full meaning cannot be realized until personal experience has brought it home.

You choose, you live the consequences. Every yes, no, maybe, creates the school you call your personal experience.

Personal experience, therefore, is everything in Zen. No ideas are intelligible to those who have no backing of experience.

I think, you know, a lot of the business of comedy is taking your personal experiences and making them relatable to other people.

I won't write every one of my personal experiences into songs as I think it could be a bit depressing - and its nice to not be too open.

Perhaps we can get to the point where we can outsource our own personal experiences entirely into a computer - and possibly our own personality.

I'm not afraid to use my personal experiences and put them into a song. I think that's when you get the best stuff anyway, when it's real emotion.

I'm not one of those people that has to share personal experiences. That's not really the kind of writer I am. I'm a very private person to begin with.

There are always certain things that you tap into, your own personal experiences, and I try to base my characters on someone I know or someone I've seen.

All of my books are based in some way on my personal experiences, or the experiences of members of my family, or the stories kids would tell me in school.

The songs are always drawn from personal experience; I'm putting myself into my music. I usually am playing myself. It's art, art that represents my life.

All of us roughly know what memory is. I mean, memory is sort of the storage of the past. It's the storage of our personal experiences. It's a very big deal.

I think there's something in people where they often want to describe their personal experiences, but when it's regarding wealth, they're obviously very guarded.

The way I like to work is to attach personal experiences to what I'm doing, so it helps tremendously if I can write my own play under what the writer has written.

I think there are things that are based in your own dealings with someone that is a personal dealing, not a public dealing. Because you have personal experiences.

My grandfather was in World War II and fought in Europe in Army Infantry, so I have such a huge respect for him, and he's shared some personal experiences with me.

I speak often about my personal experiences with malaria in the field as a young public health officer because it had such a profound impact on my life and my work.

The one thing that I know from the personal experiences that I've had with hackers and from people in tech who are brilliant at this thing, is there's a lot of angst.

I think as a filmmaker and as a director, you shortchange yourself if you inhibit the ability of your actor to bring their own personal experiences to the characters.

What I've tried to do is combine both my personal experiences with scientific research. I like to cross the divide between the personal world and the scientific world.

You know, the point of a novel - or to me, the point of a novel, the gift of a novel is to go really deeply inside people's lives and inside their personal experiences.

National identity is something that's directly connected to our personal experiences and the decisions we make, the roads we decide to take at certain points in our life.

'Ghoul' was what my world looked like, growing up in the late Seventies and early Eighties, and what I thought it looked like. A lot of my personal experiences went into it.

For 'Downside of Bliss,' I drew upon my own personal experiences in order to play Bliss: a penniless, single mother who is estranged from her father and diagnosed with cancer.

For it is not mere words that nourish the soul, but God Himself, and unless and until the hearers find God in personal experience they are not the better for having heard the truth.

I write about personal experiences. I write about things that have happened to me and the people around me, so you just sort of keep this antenna up and on the lookout for things to say.

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