It is far harder to kill a phantom than a reality.

Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a blackmail.

It is far more difficult to murder a phantom than a reality.

'The Phantom of the Opera' is about love. It's as simple as that.

Nothing will ever be as big as 'The Phantom of the Opera' for me.

Oh heck yeah, I totally would love to have a Phantom Dennis in real life.

Giving up your core business in search of a phantom audience is not wise.

Poetry is a phantom script telling how rainbows are made and why they go away.

I used to know all the lyrics to all the songs from 'The Phantom of the Opera.'

We can feel in Poland a kind of phantom pain for lost multi-ethnic territories.

We need, in effect, to make the phantom 'lock-boxes' around the trust fund real.

The only shows I saw as a kid were that holy trinity: 'Les Miz,' 'Cats,' 'Phantom.'

Yes, but Phantom Productions is my core team. It is like my family. And I love them.

People have realized that films like Phantom have different remuneration structures.

Not much to be perfectly honest! I thought The Phantom Menace was terrible, except for the Pod Race.

When I held in my hands the remains of Gunther, I had a strong feeling, like a phantom pain of an amputee.

I gave up years ago on the concept that you could actually have balance in your life, I think it's a phantom chase.

My auntie Anne took me to 'Phantom of the Opera' in London. I thought it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

You hear about Broadway your whole life, and I learned what it meant to work on Broadway in 'The Phantom of the Opera.'

I had always been a fan of Nas, but I never met him. This is the one guy in the industry who's, like, the phantom rapper.

Apart from films and television I have explored behind-the-camera work, and worked as a script consultant at Phantom films.

The plot of my 'Phantom' is pretty much mine. It's based on the Gaston Leroux book - I've taken a lot of liberties with it.

My first two records were more energetic; Phantom Moon is subtle, quiet; so these various reactions are just something I expected.

'The Phantom of the Opera' is the biggest thing I've ever done, bigger even than 'Cats' which, in itself, I never thought we'd top.

What I can't tell is, I don't know if there's a subliminal resistance to the idea of a sequel to 'The Phantom of the Opera' anyway.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion, just like science has a double face: the reality of error and the phantom of truth.

'Phantom' follows some of the best submarine cold-war films made. There's just so much tension, I can't even describe it - you have to see it.

No doubt the political left will say that foreign donations to the Obama campaign are a 'phantom' problem. However, there is physical evidence.

If you look at the great frauds of all time, Enron had that phantom trading floor. What Herbalife has is it has phantom or fictitious customers.

My poor sister was forced to be in the plays that I would write. We would go to my grandma's retirement building and perform 'Phantom of the Opera.'

The first revolt is against the supreme tyranny of theology, of the phantom of God. As long as we have a master in heaven, we will be slaves on earth.

Hal Prince and Andrew actually asked me if I would be interested in continuing with 'Phantom', but obviously I was under contract to 'Les Mis' by then.

You can't tell the story of a 13-year-old boy who knows every lyric to 'Phantom of the Opera' without also referencing how much teasing he gets at school.

I remember they used to tell me, they said, 'Khaled, you can't get a Rolls-Royce; you need to get one of them small ones.' So I went and bought a Phantom.

I've often thought that we left the original 'Phantom' with a little bit of a cliff hanger, and I thought, 'Well, why not to do a sequel to it' at one point.

Every year I go to Broadway to see a musical - I like the music. I saw 'Mamma Mia;' I saw 'Les Miserables;' I saw 'Phantom of the Opera' like six, seven times.

I'm an obsessive musical theatre person, so some of the most formative albums for me were, you know, the 'Phantom Of The Opera' soundtrack or 'Into The Woods.'

My aunt Marcia Cope-Hart was in 'Phantom Of the Opera' in San Francisco for quite a few years when I was growing up, so we would go into the city a lot to see her.

But it's a Broadway show, so even if you're Christine in Phantom, you're still a princess. All female leads are princesses whether they're Disney princesses or not.

The Phantom, as well as being backed up by that music, it just so was a role that I identified with so powerfully. From the first second that I walked on to perform.

'Phantom of the Opera' started in my little 100-seater converted church in Britain with a stage where we did what we did. But it was the score itself was what made it.

I am not God. Nor am I Phantom. I am ready to accept any criticism. I have been in politics for decades. Each and every day, in several media, there is criticism of me.

From afar, I have cried watching my nation, sore with prejudice, slowly heal itself. I hurt along with America, my phantom pains only alleviated by work I do every day - art.

It never occurred to me that 'Phantom of the Opera' was the sort of subject that I'd want to do, because I just thought it was something that would be a bit jokey. 'Til I read the book.

Scare answers to scare, and force begets force, until at length it comes to be seen that we are racing one against another after a phantom security which continually vanishes as we approach.

I think they got caught up in how much money they could get from each of the city governments as far as tax rebates. But that stuff works when you make money. It's a little bit phantom money.

Nobody ever thinks that the work they're going to do could ever be bigger than the one they do before, especially if you're lucky enough like I had to have such a huge thing as 'Phantom' was.

I guess the thing is that we remained huge friends after the original Phantom movie, when we decided it wouldn't take place and we just saw each other socially over the years so we were friends.

Coming from a different perspective on a society is really interesting. I love the Paul Thomas Anderson's 'Phantom Thread,' and that's a version of Britishness and Englishness made by an American.

We got to see Sondheim shows, 'Phantom of the Opera,' 'Cats' and all sorts of stuff. When you're 10 or 11 years old, it's just magnificent. The story-telling, the music - it lifts you out of your seat.

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