All pitchers are born pitchers.

All pitchers are liars or crybabies.

Most pitchers are too smart to manage.

I don't look at myself as one of the best pitchers in the world.

Sometimes pitchers' duels are just as interesting as home-run affairs.

Pitchers made an adjustment to me. It's up to me to come up with an answer.

Watching National League pitchers trying to hit or even bunt is depressing.

Learn the league, learn the pitchers, learn how they're going to go after you.

You could ask any position player and they'll tell you: pitchers aren't athletes.

I try to do my best every game to help the pitchers and help my team win. That's it.

Poets are like baseball pitchers. Both have their moments. The intervals are the tough things.

Pitchers make adjustments, and it's up to the hitters to readjust and sort of tweak what they do.

I hate when pitchers get me out multiple times. It's probably an ego thing, but I don't like that.

The Yankees have better starting pitchers than Arizona. Arizona just has two... the Yanks have four.

Control what I can control. Study the pitchers, work hard, put the work in. That's all I can control.

Pitchers are smart. They know they are much better off if they mix things up and keep you off-balance.

I love to be in the ballpark. I love to just go in and enjoy a great baseball game, a great pitchers' duel.

There are some great pitchers in this league. You're going to get fooled sometimes. They're going to get you.

Most pitchers fear losing their fastball, but since I don't have one, I have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Baseball's postseason shifts from game to game because of starting pitchers and the geography of the ballparks.

Good pitchers, after a tough outing, bounce back. Real good pitchers don't let too many poor games get in there.

I think the changeup has become more popular recently by pitchers like Pedro Martinez and the success he had with it.

All the in-depth scouting reports we have on the opposing pitchers - just kind of learning how to study that, it's huge.

You throw batting practice, you warm up pitchers, you sit and cheer. You do whatever you have to do to stay on the team.

This is the big leagues; pitchers throw a lot of strikes. I feel like they attack me. That's why I go up there and swing.

When you look at starting pitchers, once they make it through year four, then - knock on wood - you see a lot of injury risk go down.

Pitchers really don't deal with the managers a whole lot. When we come in the clubhouse, we see him, we say, 'Hey.' That's really it.

I would think every organization has pitchers who have good talent but just don't have what it takes to make it with what they've got.

I feel like, in general, lefties hit fastballs from right-handed pitchers better than right-handers hit fastballs from right-handed pitchers.

I like my friends to be the hitters. The pitchers, they all have the same brain as I do. The hitters see the game from a different perspective.

Pitchers are going to break. You can limit their pitches and limit their innings, and they're still going to blow out. Pitching is hard on the arm.

It's easy to see why pitchers respect McGwire. If you hit behind him, they're saying that they don't respect you. You have to change their thinking.

Young pitchers don't throw enough in the minor leagues, and when they get to the majors, they don't have the stamina; their arms haven't been built up.

Most of the managers are lifetime .220 hitters. For years pitchers have been getting these managers out 75% of the time and that's why they don't like us.

If multiple starting pitchers underperform at the same time, it's always going to leave you in a stretch where it's hard to play better than .500 baseball.

There's only one cure for what's wrong with all of us pitchers, and that's to take a year off. Then, after you've gone a year without throwing, quit altogether.

Give me 10 high school pitchers, let me spend a week with them, and I'll show you 10 pitchers who won't balk. It's not that difficult, and they better learn it.

The reason I think I'm a good pitcher is I locate my fastball and I change speeds. Period. That's what you do to pitch. That's what pitchers have to do to win games.

There aren't many hitters who like facing knuckleball pitchers. They may not be intimidated by them, but they sure are thinking about them before they go into the box.

If you are used to going five innings and then go six or seven, you won't have your good stuff. They need to start that from the minor leagues and give pitchers strong arms.

I watch all the pitchers I admire. I love watching Cliff Lee. It looks easy for him when he's on the mound; he's almost like an artist. He knows exactly how to get guys out.

This day and age, you look at baseball as a whole, and not just the pitchers' side of it. You have the weight programs, you have the technology, and as a pitcher, you need to keep up.

The farmer doesn't care for the pitchers' battle that resolves itself into a checkers game. The farmer loves the dramatic, and slugging is more dramatic than even the cleverest pitching.

Three of the brightest baseball pitchers of their times staged comebacks without much success - David Cone, Jim Bouton and Jim Palmer - but there was room to admire their quixotic gesture.

Twenty games is the magic figure for pitchers - .300 is the magic figures for batters. It pays off in salary and reputation. And those are the two things that keep a ballplayer in business.

Ball parks are smaller and baseballs are livelier. They've practically got pitchers wearing straitjackets. Bah! They still allow the knuckleball, and that is three times as hard to control.

In high school, baseball was life. My senior year, I had the highest batting average on the team. I was one of the starting pitchers. I wanted to play Division III ball and eventually coach.

Your body is not made to throw like we throw. That's why you see softball pitchers pitching two or three games a day. It's a natural movement in softball. In baseball it's not a natural movement.

You had to pitch in and out. The zone didn't belong to the hitters; it belonged to the pitchers. Today, if you pitch too far inside, the umpire would stop you right there. I don't think it's fair.

Preparation is very important. The pitcher is going to do his job and prepare for you, so you as a hitter must do the same. I always watch videotape of pitchers before the game and even sometimes during.

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