Poetry, therefore, we will call Musical Thought.

I allow no hot-beds in the gardens of Parnassus.

And take back ill-polished stanzas to the anvil.

poetry is the sung voice of accurate perception.

Poetry is so vital to us until school spoils it.

Poetry is all that is worth remembering in life.

If you want to annoy a poet, explain his poetry.

Poetry a riprap on the slick rock of metaphysics

I am always pleased to be asked to write a poem.

Poetry is like a bird, it ignores all frontiers.

To break the pentameter, that was the first heave

Poetry ... is the music and painting of the mind.

Poetry is the art of uniting pleasure with truth.

A vein of poetry exists in the hearts of all men.

Thinking is always the stumbling stone to poetry.

You don't make a poem with ideas, but with words.

Poetry is the key to the hieroglyphics of nature.

poetry is the breath and finer spirit of knowledge

Poetry is indispensable - if I only knew what for.

When the rhythm and night ride, no heart can hide.

The poet is the one who breaks through our habits.

Poetry is the synthesis of hyacinths and biscuits.

Poetry has become the higher algebra of metaphors.

Poetry has never been a favorite American pastime.

Poetry is a call to action, and it also is action.

I believe in solitude broken like bread by poetry.

Poetry isn't an activity, it's a way life is lived.

Look for verbs of muscle, adjectives of exactitude.

The rhyme of the poet Modulates the king's affairs.

Poetry is man's rebellion against being what he is.

I've written some poetry I don't understand myself.

Poetry has a small audience, but a large influence.

You will never be alone with a poet in your pocket.

The only true aristocracy is that of consciousness.

Poetry is a satifying of the desire for resemblance.

If Rilke cut himself shaving, he would bleed poetry.

I rhyme… to see myself, to set the darkness echoing.

All great poetry is dipped in the dyes of the heart.

Usually a life turned into a poem is misrepresented.

Early poems are a thing it takes years to live down.

Poetry is a peerless proficiency of the imagination.

Poetry is the connecting link between body and mind.

It was at that age that poetry came in search of me.

Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.

Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn.

A Poem should be palpable and mute As a globed fruit.

With me poetry has not been a purpose, but a passion.

United States: the country where liberty is a statue.

Poetry is not the record of an event: it is an event.

Outrage and possibility are in all the poems we know.

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