Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.

It is vain for the sober man to knock at poesy's door.

Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.

Not reading poetry amounts to a national pastime here.

Poetry today is easier to write but harder to remember.

Men consort in camp and town But the poet dwells alone.

We always cut our poetical theories to suit our talent.

Abyss-mongering makes professors and poets feel daring.

We are supposed to write poetry to keep the gods alive.

One doesn't read poetry while thinking of other things.

The man of science is nothing if not a poet gone wrong.

Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood.

Poetry contains philosophy as the soul contains reason.

For me, the measure of a poem is the word, not the line.

Standing on a street corner waiting for no one is power.

Silence is a sounding thing, To one who listens hungrily

When clever people ask me where I get a poem, I despair.

Poetry is at least an elegance and at most a revelation.

With the farming of a verse Make a vineyard of the curse

A poet looks at the world the way a man looks at a woman.

The purpose of poetry is to make life complete in itself.

I blessed the power which has filled my life with poetry.

Does the moon play only silver when it strums the galaxy?

You will be a poet because you will always be humiliated.

All poetry is difficult to read - The sense of it anyhow.

Deprivation is for me what daffodils were for Wordsworth.

I have written some poetry that I don't understand myself.

Poetry is the art of using language to transcend language.

It is never what a poem says that matters, but what it is.

Poetry is the shadow cast by our streetlight imaginations.

Give shape, artist! don't talk! Your poem be but a breath.

Poetry is a string of words that parades without a permit.

I have nothing to say, I am saying it, and that is poetry.

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you

The poem must resist the intelligence almost successfully.

Poetry is a matter of life, not just a matter of language.

The poet's first job of work is to put bread on the table.

The poet is blithe and cheery ever, and as well as nature.

Poetry has been the guardian angel of humanity in all ages.

Poetry is a subset of a Cosmos, which in itself, is a poem.

Poetry is language at its most distilled and most powerful.

The novel is born of disillusionment; the poem, of despair.

Before verse can be human again it must learn to be brutal.

Poetry is a perfectly reasonable means of overcoming chaos.

Poetry is about the grief. Politics is about the grievance.

Novels are about other people and poems are about yourself.

What is a Professor of Poetry? How can poetry be professed?

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.

Writing poetry is the hard manual labor of the imagination.

A satirical poet is the check of the laymen on bad priests.

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