I do sarcasm really poorly.

Baseball is a poorly run business.

It sucks when you do poorly at your job.

The mouth obeys poorly when the heart murmurs.

Our mom cooks well, and we cook poorly. We try.

Personally, people know themselves very poorly.

Nothing ages as poorly as a beautiful woman's ego.

I sing a little bit, yeah. But I sing very poorly.

Woodstock was a business. A very poorly run business.

If a job is worth doing, it's worth doing poorly first.

Poorly paid labor is inefficient labor, the world over.

Tradition demands that we not speak poorly of the dead.

Noise is a parasite. Anything noisy is poorly designed.

Well married a person has wings, poorly married shackles.

Pitching... sometimes I did so poorly, it brought me to tears.

You don't win tournaments by playing well and thinking poorly.

Our intelligence community was extremely poorly prepared before 9/11.

I may play poorly at times, but I'll always try to give my best effort.

Article 50 is very poorly written and raises more questions more answers.

Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until you learn to do it well.

It's hard to trust people when your own friends seem to think poorly of you.

Show me a poorly uniformed troop and I'll show you a poorly uniformed leader.

I play piano and drums very poorly and French horn and tuba all equally as bad.

It's not hard to write poorly. But to write something good, it has to be revised.

When I putt well, I do very well. When I putt poorly, I struggle to be in the game.

He who leaves nothing to chance will do few things poorly, but he will do few things.

I've seen the impact of poorly negotiated trade agreements on manufacturing in Maine.

History has shown us all too often the consequences of dreaming poorly or not at all.

I trained to sing well, but now I sing poorly for a living. That was money well spent.

If it's a man's world, as they say, then men, your world is a poorly run carnage fest.

Poorly negotiated and lazily enforced trade deals have caused jobs to flee the heartland.

When I was 13, I was just figuring out how to play 'Eruption,' poorly, by Eddie Van Halen.

IRS is very poorly equipped to make a distinction between what is a religion and what is not.

What offends me more than something sexist is something poorly written or unfunny or cliched.

It was easier to do Shakespeare than a lot of modern movie scripts that are so poorly written.

Nothing you do particularly matters. But I'm not sure that's a great excuse for doing it poorly.

Sexuality poorly repressed unsettles some families; well repressed, it unsettles the whole world.

It's amazing what's buried in old, poorly digitized PDFs hosted on some random professor's website.

I just can't stomach playing poorly. More than anything, I hate not getting the most out of my game.

I didn't want people to see me driving a new car and living in a high style and then playing poorly.

I became obsessed with Simian Mobile Disco's music and poorly attempted to make my own techno music.

It's much harder to act poorly written material. It's much harder to memorize poorly written material.

For the average player, most three-putts happen because of a poorly judged first putt from long range.

Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them.

To live life well is to express life poorly; if one expresses life too well, one is living it no longer.

I think HTML5 is one area where Mozilla has done very poorly at actually communicating what we have done.

There are few surer ways to become disliked by men than to perform well where they have performed poorly.

I don't think focus is in itself ever a bad thing. But focus of the wrong kind, or managed poorly, can be.

I did poorly in math for a couple of years in middle school; I was just not interested in thinking about it.

People understand me so poorly that they don't even understand my complaint about them not understanding me.

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