I have not flouted any rules on transfers or posting.

Honestly, I was posting videos just to have something to do.

I'm terrible at posting regularly; I don't deserve the blog success!

I'm not a high jumper, but you don't see guys intimidating me or posting me up.

After some time, my reputation preceded me each time I was given a new posting.

The man who says his evening prayer is a captain posting his sentinels. He can sleep.

I know pretty much all my analytics and I take that into consideration when I'm posting.

I really grew my own fan base. I started posting videos on YouTube with the help of my parents.

In a recent Valentine's Day posting on her fan website, Britney Spears says that - oh, who cares?

I don't like posting my opinion on social media and responding to controversies that might follow.

I originally wrote 'The Martian' as a free serial novel, posting one chapter at a time to my website.

Krushna never has a problem with me posting sexy pictures on social media or doing bold photo shoots.

Twitter goes straight over my head, but I like the idea of posting pictures because they can say so much.

Twitter's more fast-paced. Instagram, it's more, like, lifestyle and posting very specific, cool pictures.

You are your main news platform, so no publication has as much power as you do about posting about yourself.

As a legislator, I saw how effective I could be by being transparent, posting and explaining all of my votes.

Within half an hour of posting a piece on 'Slate,' I get a direct, often hostile and personal, response from readers.

Now everyone leaking and tweeting and posting on everyone else is the acknowledged way to get ahead in the 21st century.

Standing up for national anthem doesn't make you an Indian. Posting flags on social networks doesn't make you an Indian.

For me posting videos on YouTube and interacting with people on Twitter is a great release from the stresses of football.

Paris is a Roach Motel for top American journalists: They check in, having won the plum foreign posting, but never leave.

I've cried multiple times after posting a video. So much work goes into each video that I don't know how I'm still alive.

We're all posting and clicking and sharing, but we're not devoting enough attention to get anything meaningful from it all.

With the release of the Dragon sensor... I have finished my mission. I am done posting. I will no longer be the face of Red.

Virality, at its core, is asking someone to spend their social capital recommending or linking or posting about you for free.

I am not the kind of person who narrates every aspect of my life on social media; it's about posting things that are important to me.

I've been writing a lot more, I believe, because of the Internet. I've been posting stuff that I've written and I've just been writing.

I started posting a few covers on SoundCloud in 2017, and that got me into contact with my producer who I still work with, Josh Fountain.

In my eyes, Twitter is not just about posting pictures of the clothes you wear. It's about connection with people who reach out to you, too.

I wouldn't be posting videos of me in drag or doing a remake of Zoolander's orange mocha frappuccino scene if I didn't still like attention.

Twitter is just like posting old-fashioned press releases, and it can be very effective in promoting your business interests and charity work.

That's what I love about the Internet. Even if it's small-scale and you're just posting on a forum, that's an uncensored expression. That's what I love.

At 13, I loved how so many of my peers sang and played acoustic guitar, so I started recording videos with covers of famous songs and posting them online.

You are hugely responsible for people following you. You need to work out why you are posting, what the message is, and what you are doing to these people.

I barely ever reread the chapter before posting, because I overthink things, and I feel like overediting or trying to use too many words can ruin the story.

Through my Instagram, I'm always posting pictures of kitten fosters and if it inspires one person to go to his or her local shelter and adopt, it's worth it.

People so often forget that their Instagram is more than just their latest post. Before posting, step back and look at the bigger picture, a.k.a. your 'flow.'

You're on set for 15 hours, and then you go home and make sure you're posting the right stuff on social media, and then you answer your e-mails. It never stops.

I try to be the most versatile player on the court. If that means being a four and posting up, I'll do that. If it means playing on the wing, I can do that too.

Everybody's got their phone up and everybody's taking recordings and posting it on YouTube and whatever and sending it to you, and it gets shown around the world.

When I used to put videos on MySpace, there'd always be someone posting something nasty. To those people, I'd send friend requests, and invariably, they accepted them.

I wasn't trying to write a book; it wasn't even in my vision. I was posting stuff online just because it made me feel relieved - as a way of getting things off my chest.

Posting a brag, humble or otherwise, and then waiting for people to respond is the equivalent of having a conversation in which all you do is wait for your turn to speak.

Guys like Andre Miller and Kevin Garnett - they're posting up hoping a second guy will run at them so they can pass. You're better just playing one-on-one in the post if you can.

I am tired, beloved, of chafing my heart against the want of you; of squeezing it into little ink drops, and posting it. And I scald alone, here, under the fire of the great moon.

Back in the '80s and '90s, when GM was consistently posting giant profits, they were simultaneously firing tens of thousands of workers in my hometown of Flint and across Michigan.

I've played music since I was six, and I always wrote songs just for myself. I did it for fun, posting songs on Tumblr, Bandcamp, and Soundcloud. I didn't think anyone would notice.

Two Klansmen were working for NORAD monitoring U.S. air space for missile attacks. I contacted the Pentagon, and the next day, they were reassigned to a posting near the North Pole.

Not long after I started posting the first 'Nimona' pages online, a literary agent reached out to me, and I ended up signing with him before I returned to school for my senior year.

I'm friends with Taylor Swift, and I am tired of people asking me questions about our friendship. When I post a picture of us on Instagram, I'm posting a picture of me and my friend.

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