Bite me, Harry Potter.

I'm a Harry Potter fan.

Harry Potter is awesome.

The wand chooses the wizard.

Do not pity the dead, Harry.

I had a ball doing Harry Potter.

Every potter praises his own pot.

To Harry Potter — the boy who lived!

The dementors send their love, Potter!

My basic life philosophy is Harry Potter

The potter is at enmity with the potter.

Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf!

The ones that love us never really leave us.

What you fear most of all is - fear. Very wise.

I'll always be the ginger one from Harry Potter.

Training for the ballet, Potter?" yelled Malfoy.

You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us?

Decent people are so easy to manipulate, Potter.

I need Harry Potter like a grindylow needs water.

For Harry Potter I have all the time in the world.

Man is made to create, from the poet to the potter.

Oh, he knows how to play, little bitty baby Potter.

Harry Potter was a highly unusual boy in many ways.

In dreams, we enter a world that’s entirely our own.

I love 'Harry Potter' and JK Rowling - don't laugh at me!

I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me.

I thought clay must feel happy in the good potter's hand.

We have to choose between what is right, and what is easy.

Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth.

If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love.

Potter! There are hundreds of people thundering through my pub!

Nothing's really changed since the Harry Potter films came along.

It seems no matter what I read I think 'this is not Harry Potter.'

The fact that you can feel pain like this is your greatest strength

... there are far, far worse things in the living world than dying.

I love 'Harry Potter.' I'm a huge nerd - I would dress up if I could.

Some of the furor that surrounded a Harry Potter publication was fun.

Words have power? That sounds like you're into some Harry Potter juju.

If I hadn't been a part of [Harry Potter] I would have been deeply upset.

There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other.

It's like going back to school. You know, autumn! Time for 'Harry Potter'.

We believe 'Peter Rabbit' because Beatrix Potter believes it. You have to.

I'll miss some of the opportunities that playing Harry [Potter] brought me.

Had it been in the Old Testament Harry Potter would have been put to death.

I'm the only kid in the world who doesn't want an eighth Harry Potter book.

What? I'm not ashamed to admit that random things remind me of Harry Potter.

I'm a big fan of the 'Harry Potter' movies and 'The Lord of the Rings' films.

Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!

After being in Harry Potter, I believe a bit more in magic than I did before.

The sixth Harry Potter film - I don't like my performance in that film at all.

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