I like the Premier League.

I respect the Premier League.

I'm happy in the Premier League.

I did good in the Premier League.

The Premier League is in my heart.

Yes, I do like the Premier League.

Do I want to be premier? Yes, I do.

The Premier League is so difficult.

I love watching the Premier League.

It's difficult in the Premier League.

The Premier League is my main target.

The Premier League is very difficult.

The Premier League is the best league.

To win the Premier League is not easy.

The Premier League is the place to be.

I would like to win the Premier League.

I respect and admire the Premier League.

The Premier League is a results business.

The Premier League is different to Spain.

I always dreamed about the Premier League.

I want to be a premier back in this league.

To relax in the Premier League is not good.

I believe I can be a Premier League player.

The Premier league is better with Mourinho.

I want to be playing in the Premier League.

It's very hard to retain the Premier League.

Anyone can beat anyone in the Premier League.

The Premier League is an unbelievable league.

You have to be patient in the Premier League.

Players can underestimate the Premier League.

I enjoy England and enjoy the Premier League.

There are no easy games in the Premier League.

It would be good to play in the Premier League.

Who doesn't want to work in the Premier League?

The pace is unbelievable in the Premier League.

It was easy for me to play in the Premier League.

I dream of winning the Premier League, of course.

Every opponent in the Premier League is a warning.

My ultimate ambition is to win the Premier League.

Every kid dreams of playing in the Premier League.

The 2002 Premier League was the best trophy for me.

I never had a dream of being in the Premier League.

They watch the Premier League everywhere in Africa.

I'd love to get into the Premier League with Leeds.

To win the Premier League proves you are a top team.

To play in the Premier League again would be amazing.

My first job as premier will be to go back to basics.

I enjoyed my time in the Premier League and in Qatar.

I'm playing Premier League, but I'm still very hungry.

The Premier League is a very closely contested league.

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