When a movie is made, you toy with many ideas, and a prequel to 'Dabangg' is one of them.

There are expectations with sequels, and people want them to be bigger and better than the prequel.

If I was called back to 'Grand Budapest 2,' a prequel or whatever, I'm there. I'm there in a heartbeat.

I've been joking that 'On the Road' is the prequel to 'The Road.' I don't know if that's a very good joke.

This case against Ghislaine Maxwell is the prequel to the earlier case that we brought against Jeffrey Epstein.

When a movie becomes very successful, it's automatic that people will start thinking a sequel, a prequel, a quel-quel.

The look of 'Rebels' is based much more on the classic 'Star Wars' trilogy, where the 'The Clone Wars' was a prequel era series.

I think a lot of fans immediately go, 'ugggh' when they hear that someone is doing a prequel or a remake, they sort of assume the worst sometimes.

We don't want John Wick to retire again; we're glad he's back in the game. We want a sequel or a prequel. There's a lot of fertile ground to cover.

The first is that instead of writing a sequel, which is what most people do, this is in fact a prequel. Although we didn't know that when we began the process.

A prequel to 'Baby' was never on the cards, but when the movie was successful, we realized from the audience response to my character that they wanted to see more of me.

In the prequel we're going to tell about the characters before Left Behind, and the book would end with the rapture instead of start with the rapture like the first one did.

Everything about 'Avunu 2' will be many notches higher than its prequel. The sequel is scarier, and there'll be more thrills and chills. I myself felt it when I was shooting.

When I am making a sequel, it needs to be different from what you have already seen. Yet, it needs to maintain a certain discipline so that people still associate it with the prequel.

'Shantaram' is the second in the series of a quartet of novels that I have planned about my life but is the first to be written. The third book is a sequel to 'Shantaram,' the first a prequel.

But really, for the most part - doing a prequel is great because you do have room to kind of free this character and how they got to where they are instead of being a slave to exactly what the previous actor did.

'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' is just one of those movies that's like a page of history. You can't really go wrong. It's a prequel. It's not like number three. Which is really cool, to be the before as opposed to the after.

Yes, it's a prequel. It tells the story about how the girls were born with superpowers, but they weren't necessarily heroes at the beginning of this movie, so the movie is about the events that happen in their life to make them decide to be heroes.

We'd like to explore the prequel idea. I think it would be best suited as a web series on some digital platform. The prequel will be called 'Rajan Vagaira,' and it will track the rise of Rajan's character in 'Vada Chennai' and how he built his empire.

'Habits & Contradictions' is the prequel to 'Setbacks.' I had all these titles already in my head before I even dropped 'em. Like 'Setbacks,' I knew that was gone be the first one; I knew 'Habits & Contradictions.' I knew 'Oxymoron.' I got two more albums that I already have the title to it, and I know how I'ma play the theme off of it.

I play Father Francis in 'The Exorcist Prequel.' It's fantastic. We are shooting in Morrocco and Rome. Paul Schrader is directing; Stellan Skarsgard plays the younger Max Von Sydow character. It's just a fantastic script. It's a very eerie, very scary script. It encomposes a growing dread that I think is really appropriate for the film.

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