A sense of humor... is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some ...

A sense of humor... is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life.

Escargot is pretty good.

I have a pretty good ear.

I'm a pretty good listener.

Winning tastes pretty good.

I have a pretty good memory.

'MasterChef' is pretty good.

Tony Bradley is pretty good.

Chicago is a pretty good town.

I'm a pretty good chess player.

I'm pretty good with languages.

I'm pretty good for an old geek.

I'm a pretty good problem solver.

I'm a pretty good procrastinator.

I think I am a pretty good sister.

Fred Armisen does a pretty good me.

I think I'm a pretty good listener.

I'm pretty good at going incognito.

Troy Daniels is pretty good dresser.

I know I have pretty good instincts.

I know I'm a pretty good quarterback.

I've been pretty good at negotiating.

I'm lucky. I've got pretty good genes.

I'm usually pretty good in the garden.

I have a pretty good grip on who I am.

I've always been a pretty good athlete.

Kubrick and I were pretty good friends.

My life is okay, my life is pretty good.

I'm actually a pretty good tennis player!

We had a pretty good lead, so why push it.

I've got a pretty good appetite right now.

My average against hitters is pretty good.

My dad can shoot pretty good from outside.

I think I'd make a pretty good girlfriend.

Peyton's pretty good at figuring stuff out.

I realize that my worst day is pretty good.

I do a pretty good job at casting actually.

The global economy is in pretty good shape.

Alberto Del Rio is doing a pretty good job.

I have pretty good, strong support in Tulsa.

I was always pretty good at designing things.

I actually have a pretty good sense of humor.

I think I'd do pretty good on 'Glee' singing.

I think my one-on-one defense is pretty good.

I'm pretty good at playing with foot injuries.

I just have pretty good recall of information.

As a kid, I was a pretty good little sprinter.

I've run my mouth pretty good about my beliefs.

I'm supposed to be a pretty good theater actor.

Getting to play superheros is a pretty good job.

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