I can be pretty much anything I want.

I'm massively open-minded to pretty much anything.

I think there's a good pop song in pretty much anything.

You can talk about pretty much anything in the barbershop.

When I'm locked in and focused, I can do pretty much anything I want.

If you're presenting yourself with confidence, you can pull off pretty much anything.

I like to cook as much as I love to eat, and I will eat pretty much anything if it's prepared well!

I think we've established a convention on the show that allows us to do pretty much anything we want to.

People should pursue what they're passionate about. That will make them happier than pretty much anything else.

My high threshold for pain will allow me to battle through pretty much anything if I find a way to run and slide.

With swimming, I burn a lot of calories. I'm able to eat pretty much anything and it won't affect me. But I don't.

I'm not really into gothic music, it's not really my type of scene but each to their own. I listen to pretty much anything.

You can do pretty much anything you want in Dubai. In terms of getting around, everywhere's within half an hour in the car.

Pretty much anything William Shatner is in is great. He's great at playing that 'I'm the only one sane in the world' character.

I pretty much focus on all the main styles out there, karate, wrestling, boxing, jiujitsu, just pretty much anything within MMA.

I lick the cheese off Doritos and put them back in the bag. I will eat pretty much anything as long as it's salty. Or sweet. Or spicy.

I said that when I establish myself as an artist that can do pretty much anything I want to do in music, I'm going to make a country album.

Ultimately, there are only two emotions: love and fear. And pretty much anything else you want to name can be broken down into one of those.

'Dhalgren' is the kind of book in which you can look for pretty much anything you want. I tried to put as much into it as I could at the time.

Pretty much anything you care to imagine can happen in a fantasy, which in turn means you can really crank up the intensity of the tale you're telling.

As a movie-goer, I really like to watch all different kinds of movies and, as an actor, I always feel like I could do pretty much anything but a musical.

I've always told my children that Americans will tell you pretty much anything, but that convention dictates that we don't like to talk money or politics.

You can ask me pretty much anything. There'll be things I'll go, 'That feels a little too personal.' But most things I don't have a fear of being asked about.

When your work is nonfiction about low-income communities, pretty much anything that's not nonfiction about low-income communities feels like a guilty pleasure.

I play the piano, drums, little bit of bass, guitar. I can play harmonica, a little bit of the ukulele. Pretty much anything that's a strumming, string type thing.

I am not a foodie, thank goodness. I will eat pretty much anything. A lot of my friends are getting incredibly fussy about food and I see it as a bit of an affliction.

My favourite performances are by actresses like Bette Davis in 'All About Eve' or Gena Rowlands in pretty much anything - performances that have nothing to do with age.

I understand that some people like certain things more than others, but by the time you are an adult, you really should be able to sit down and eat pretty much anything.

This is how much of a music geek I am: if I have a day with nothing to do, one of my favourite things is to just sit at my computer and make playlists of pretty much anything.

Zayn's good to just sit down and chat to about pretty much anything. At the end of the night, we just sit around and talk about our life before One Direction, or anything at all, really.

I ate everything. I ate every single lolly you can think of. Chocolate bars, Curly Wurlys, Aero bars, Fantales, Minties, Clinkers, Cherry Ripes. Pretty much anything, you name it, I ate it.

I put Tabasco sauce over everything. Or I put it on pretty much anything that wouldn't taste gross - I mean, I wouldn't put it on salad, but I like it on fried chicken, nachos... a lot of stuff.

I listened to pretty much anything that I could really feel, where I felt like the artist had to write those songs, where you can feel their soul and the pain and the happiness and love and everything.

I've worked with Lil Wayne and Wiz, but I'd like to work with Snoop next. I love 'Paid tha Cost to Be da Boss' and 'Doggystyle' and pretty much anything he puts out. And Ice Cube - like, all the legends.

When I went out and did what I did in the world of professional wrestling as Stone Cold Steve Austin, pretty much anything and everything thing I said was ad lib, on the spot, just let it fly and go for it.

I'm not scared of getting hurt. I'm not scared of, pretty much, anything. If you live your life scared, what's the fun in living it? If you were scared of getting hit by a car, would you still cross the street?

You create this human being, and then you are that human being for the next six months. It's amazing. I think that's the blessing and the curse of being an actor. You get to be pretty much anything you want to be.

My mom made me watch 'Star Wars' for the first time when I was about 7 years old. When I was younger, I hated action movies and pretty much anything loud. So when she put it on, I covered my ears and ran out of the room.

You can do pretty much anything you want to do in America as a black, including become president. Still, the legacy of our victimization, of our suffering and exclusion from the mainstream of American life, has left its mark.

What do cells do when they see a broken piece of DNA? Cells don't like such breaks. They'll do pretty much anything they can to fix things up. If a chromosome is broken, the cells will repair the break using an intact chromosome.

I like to work out. I work out hard when I get to it, but it's so sporadic, I'm not sure it counts at all! I eat pretty much anything, but I eat high-quality food. There was never a packet of chips or box of candy in my house when I was growing up. Ever.

I have always been infatuated with country music. Country music tells stories, and I've always loved to tell stories. I said that when I establish myself as an artist that can do pretty much anything I want to do in music, I'm going to make a country album.

I don't discriminate when it comes to dumplings. Give me a generous plate of pretty much anything wrapped in a starchy, doughy casing and I will dive in with pleasure. But one star in the dumpling universe shines brighter than the others: the humble pierogi.

I love live performance and have huge admiration for people who can really do it. It's the same with music: I'll play a record and think that I'm not really into country or ragga. But, if it's live and the musicians are good, I'll listen to pretty much anything.

Writing 'Deadpool' can be a lot of fun. When I first started working with the character, I wasn't sure I'd like him. I quickly realized, though, that a writer can do pretty much anything with him - comedic stories, serious stories, completely nonsensical stories.

Sarah Palin is a figure of fun on the American left, easily lampooned as a know-nothing, gun-toting ex-beauty queen who loves God and the red, white and blue above pretty much anything else except for Todd, her macho husband, who races snowmobiles across the Alaskan tundra.

I am very benign-looking. I'm somewhat like a golden retriever: It's not hard to look at me. I'm perfectly fine. It's not like things jut out and make you nervous. But the lovely thing about being so pale and having such pasty features is that I can look like pretty much anything, which is nice.

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