I am not accustomed to protocol.

The seas need their own Kyoto Protocol.

I don't stand on protocol. Just call me your Excellency.

If you rely completely on protocol, you can become a robot.

A true friend is someone with whom protocol is no longer necessary.

Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never dealt with a cat.

You see mob guys when you play in nightclubs. It's part of the protocol.

The U.S. withdrawal from the Kyoto protocol endangers the entire process.

Today we must all be aware that protocol takes precedence over procedure.

I do not stand on protocol. If you just call me Excellency, it will be okay.

If you're the head of a business, there's a protocol that people have to follow.

Radiation is relentless: my protocol is five days a week, 33 sessions altogether.

If you have never read the Protocols, you know nothing about the Jewish question.

Survival protocol says follow water out, and that's exactly what we're going to do.

Monero at a protocol level is very, very private and has that big advantage over bitcoin.

The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on.

Cryptocurrencies will create a fifth protocol layer powering the next generation of the Internet.

I'm not a protocol fetishist. It's more important to me that people feel at ease when I'm with them.

We've created a tenfold core value protocol to make sure that we don't fall into an 'empire' attitude.

I'm not the one to always follow professional protocol - but I do know what it is, even at 24 years old.

We have a strict radio protocol and structure how our decisions are made. This is how we've won so many races.

I'm a very good listener, and I'm not interested in having fights simply for a question of protocol or vanity.

For the first time, open source, peer-to-peer protocol developers can monetize their project on a protocol level.

We will immediately lift the suspension of uranium enrichment and will halt implementation of the Additional Protocol.

The medical protocol for poor people is, if something hurts, get over it. If something hurts real bad, put salve on it.

I am excited to join the Bancor advisory board and provide guidance and insight to such an innovative team and protocol.

I would like to implore all the governments of the world to come together to form a protocol to regulate virtual currency.

The Ripple network is a protocol. It's like HTTP for money. Users, merchants, anyone can use it for free without a license.

Inviting a foreign head of state to address the Congress is a clear breach of protocol and practice, and undermines the U.S. presidency.

The bitcoin/blockchain protocol has never been compromised. Businesses building applications on top of it run the risk of making mistakes.

We think that the Kyoto protocol is a necessary document, necessary process. I am convinced that we will agree to disagree about substance.

It has been pointed out to me, more than once, that for someone who chose a profession steeped in procedure and protocol, I had little use for either.

Any use of chemical weapons, by anyone, under any circumstances, is a grave violation of the 1925 Protocol and other relevant rules of customary international law.

It is not a happy lot being a princess in any country, but especially Japan in which every tiny aspect of one's life is governed by the most rigid rules of protocol.

We've learned quickly that the Web is far more pseudonymous than anonymous: online, our names have simply been changed to a number, an I.P. address, protocol, and code.

Publishing a protocol under the name Atom that tries to capture all of the prior art in this stage and might provide a good basis for winding down the syndication wars.

The world of high-stakes international diplomacy can be rough and tumble, but it's more often than not a procession of suits and summits, protocol sessions and photo ops.

The protocol things, the officialdom, are part of my work. But it doesn't take more than 20 percent of my time. The majority of my time I spend on issues that I care about.

Within the coming years, disrupting the Bitcoin network will become increasingly more difficult as Bitcoin wallet software and the protocol become more mature and resilient.

Social media is an information channel; it's like radio or TV... In Cisco, we made a lot of money on public protocol. I think the social media model replicates that protocol.

I felt betrayed by him, extremely betrayed. He made me believe that if I followed a certain protocol of supplements and different drugs that I could become number 1 in the world.

Here, in low earth orbit, we're going around the earth, so we can actually use an Internet protocol phone because we have the appropriate satellites that can get those bandwidths.

Under this scientific and moral pressure, the Canadian government conceded publicly that the use of these weapons in Vietnam was, in their view, a contravention of the Geneva Protocol.

To put that into some perspective, when Bill Clinton and Al Gore had first taken the idea of the Kyoto Protocol up to the Congress, the United States Senate voted it down 95 to nothing.

Ethereum may make monetary policy decisions like, 'Let's do 1% inflation to support the ongoing development of the Ethereum protocol.' A token built on Ethereum might want to do the same.

Integral to the orb is our low cost long-range wireless radio data system and a protocol that allows us to send this data over 90% of the US population every 15 minutes throughout the day.

Genome-based treatment, based on wider and cheaper availability of genome data, will provide new ways to customize the therapeutic protocol and enhance our control over diseases and medical treatment.

I walked out of a restaurant with my sister Sana and the next day it was all over the media, 'Sooraj seen with a mystery girl'. That mystery girl was my sister. It's not fair. They should have some protocol.

Never in my life have I failed a test. I have never been opposed to testing and, in fact, have always been compliant with each and every protocol and policy associated with my competitive career in track and field.

Podcasts, and the way they are distributed, are extremely simple technologically. Indeed, 'RSS,' the feed protocol that connects podcast apps to the audio files that they need, stands for 'Really Simple Syndication.'

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