I don't punish myself. Life's too short.

Laws undertake to punish only overt acts.

I want Ron to stand up to Malfoy and punish him.

Don't punish small businesses with over-regulation.

God's commandments are not given to limit or punish us.

A prince should be slow to punish, and quick to reward.

It's hard to punish and save the banks at the same time.

When the gods wish to punish us they answer our prayers.

The gods love to punish whatever is greater than the rest.

I really believe our society has this propensity to punish.

Spare me through your mercy, do not punish me through your justice.

It is folly to punish your neighbor by fire when you live next door.

I don't think you should punish a guy for losing when they were hurt.

I think it's unfair to punish players for inherent faults in the game.

To punish the oppressors of humanity is clemency; to forgive them is cruelty.

I think God has some mechanism that he uses to punish those that make mistakes.

The act of policing is, in order to punish less often, to punish more severely.

If you make a mistake, your opponent can punish, and you end up losing the game.

You must see the persons who are in charge - persons you can punish or vote for.

I try not to punish the audience by making them listen to too much acoustic guitar.

If you want to punish somebody, never talking to them again is a really good method.

There's a simple way to solve the crime problem: obey the law; punish those who do not.

What happens in the Premier League is that when they arrive in the area, they punish you.

Children are not unforgiving. You can punish them and they will hug you in a few minutes.

But this will not do, God will certainly punish you for stealing and for being unfaithful.

Many people secretly think that gays are a lot happier than they are, and want to punish them.

Americans are squeamish about anything that seems to punish people for their religious beliefs.

Prisons don't rehabilitate, they don't punish, they don't protect, so what the hell do they do?

Eating good food is, to me, one of life's greatest joys, and I will never punish myself for it.

Amnesty, n. The state's magnanimity to those offenders whom it would be too expensive to punish.

Circumstances define us; they force us onto one road or another, and then they punish us for it.

Unfortunately, opponents of online speech have decided to punish our changing technological world.

In its function, the power to punish is not essentially different from that of curing or educating.

The genius of impeachment lay in the fact that it could punish the man without punishing the office.

I'm largely health-conscious and work out during the week, but I don't punish myself at the weekends.

I do not believe that God has imposed suffering upon anyone to punish them or to teach them a lesson.

Do you think that God will punish them for not practicing a religion which he did not reveal to them?

If my children do not behave according to Islam, if they do not pray for instance, I will punish them.

I punish myself more than anybody else does if I am stupid about my actions, and I suffer, really suffer.

Baptists are very strong believers that the civil magistrate is ordained by God to punish those who do evil.

The reason for the blockade on Gaza was not to punish the Palestinians but to continue to delegitimize Hamas.

Movements that hector and punish rather than educate and reform have a way of inviting derision and reaction.

The law does not pretend to punish everything that is dishonest. That would seriously interfere with business.

This country does not punish its political enemies. What this country ensures is that no one is above the law.

I agree with Kathi Zellweger that sanctions mostly punish the ordinary people who live at the edge of starvation.

The FCC has made it clear it would punish a cable or phone company for deviating from providing 'neutral' access.

If Turkish or Moroccan boys misbehave here, it's up to us to re-educate them and, when necessary, to punish them.

In America, educators punish those who actually think for themselves. There is only acceptance for popular opinion.

Government policies ought to encourage families to stay together and work hard to improve their lives, not punish them.

The purpose of our justice system is to reflect the values of our society and to punish those who violate our standards.

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