A dollar saved is a quarter earned.

The fourth quarter is where players are made.

I've had quarter horses for the last 18 years.

I enjoy the last quarter of all basketball games.

I'm a real Swede! In fact, I'm a quarter Finnish.

We are each but a quarter note in a grand symphony.

I'm not Hollywood. I'm a Quarter Rat. I belong here.

Anyone that makes me a quarter of a billion dollars, I like.

I'm a quarter of an inch taller than Jonathan at 6-foot-4 1/2.

I'm a quarter Indian; my grandfather's originally from New Delhi.

This is a day we have managed to avoid for a quarter of a century.

Directors work 10 times harder than anyone else. Get paid a quarter.

Wagner is a composer who has beautiful moments but awful quarter hours.

I don't know whether I'm half, quarter or what. I just know I'm aboriginal.

Fourth quarter, tied ballgame, why not try to get your best player involved?

A quarter century of running a restaurant - that's a long time to do one thing.

My wife and I started a breeding program where we breed American quarter horses.

The cloud never comes from the quarter of the horizon from which we watch for it.

A penny saved is not a penny earned if at the end of the day you still owe a quarter.

If I had a formula, I would have launched newcomers every year or maybe, every quarter.

Why, a quarter of a century after the Cold War, do we still have 28,000 troops in Korea?

Paul Laverty is a wonderful writer and we've worked together for a quarter of a century.

I was in the business for almost a quarter of a century, and I'm very proud of my career.

Hedge funds are not noted for their long-term thinking - for them, a quarter is an eternity.

Once you get into entertaining a quarter of a million people, it's a very weird place to be.

Publicly traded United States companies report sales and profits to investors every quarter.

There are plenty of good five cent cigars in the country. The trouble is they cost a quarter.

Every quarter, we give an award for a breakthrough idea even if it doesn't make it to market.

Do you think that when they asked George Washington for ID that he just whipped out a quarter?

Nevertheless, one doesn't have time to think, oh, well, this is a quarter tone sharp, or flat.

You're going to feel every bit of Stan Van Gundy's frustration if his team had a tough quarter.

Second, a quarter to a third of those who listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are liberals.

I thought eating Double Quarter Pounders with Big Mac sauce wasn't that bad, but I guess it was.

I rent space on a farm for 15 dollars a month, and I have the use of about a quarter of an acre.

More than a quarter of mortgage borrowers are underwater, and 11 percent of all homes are vacant.

Sometimes you just stumble into something that works, and here I am a quarter of a century later.

Getting on fast-breaks, you don't do that when you let a team shoot 20 free throws in one quarter.

Our whole lives, did any of us actually think a quarter of a percent was actually an interest rate?

I don't believe in management by fear. I also won't sacrifice the future of a company for a quarter.

Sometimes we used to eat once a day... chicken backs. You could buy four chicken backs for a quarter.

Viacom's results for the first quarter put the company on a fast track for another record year in 2004.

I give no quarter, and I ask for none. Out there, I'm going to fight for my team and do the best I can.

The first trick I bought at Macy's was a little wooden board where a quarter would appear and disappear.

I don't think there's a back lot here in Hollywood anymore that has those streets, like a French Quarter.

The series of photographic operations, developing, washing, final drying, takes about quarter of an hour.

You should pull him back besides in all the lines before the quarter, just as you make the others advance.

It's important for us, if we're going to be a good team, to be a good defensive team in the fourth quarter.

The corn law was intended to keep wheat at the price of 80s. the quarter; it is now under 40s. the quarter.

For more than a quarter of a century on active duty, my house has been my tent, and my home the battlefield.

No 27-year-old has the experience to run a company that does a quarter of a billion dollars a year in sales.

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