Thou shalt not ration justice.

If we are to keep democracy, there must be a commandment: Thou shalt not ration justice.

If we are to keep our democracy, there must be one commandment: 'Thou shalt not ration justice.'

I didn't read children's books when I was a child. The only books in our house were ration books.

Israel gives the West Bank water twice a week! One way of promoting good would be not to ration water.

The decision is not whether or not we will ration care. The decision will be whether we ration care with our eyes open.

The only freedom supposed to be left to the masses is that of grazing on the ration of simulacra the system distributes to each individual.

I don't generally follow sports. At an early age, I discovered that nature had apportioned me only a small reserve of enthusiasm. Best to ration.

There is no question that managed care is managed cost, and the idea is that you can save a lot of money and make health care costs less if you ration it.

I don't want doctors and patients to be having to - having to literally ration care, take away that relationship by having the government come in and interfere.

You have to ration your creativity over all your songs. You write a really cool pop song then you have to write a heavy song to balance out, then you need to think about singles.

The reality is that we are all economists. We all deal with scarcity as we make choices and calculate how to ration various items and resources that we consume, produce and utilize.

A lot of coaches could ration out their time. They could delegate. They would make time for their family. But when I was coaching I would almost laugh at those guys. I knew we were working the extra hours to get an edge on them.

I've never had a particularly sweet tooth. In fact, during the war, I used to swap my sweet ration coupons with my father - and he'd give me his clothing coupons in return. Looking good was more important to me than scoffing sweets.

I guess law was always interesting to me because you deal with constants. I like to deal with constants, abstracts, constants and reason and ration, rational approaches to things. I don't know, I never really thought why I wanted to study law. But if you ask me whether I would do it again, absolutely.

A life of stasis would be population control, combined with energy rationing. That is the stasis world that you live in if you stay. And even with improvements in efficiency, you'll still have to ration energy. That, to me, doesn't sound like a very exciting civilization for our grandchildren's grandchildren to live in.

The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80% of the total health care bill out there. There is going to have to be a very difficult democratic conversation that takes place. The decision is not whether or not we will ration care. The decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.

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