Talk about a dream, try to make it real.

Y'all smoke to enjoy it. I smoke to die.

There's nothing like real love. Nothing.

Spiritual growth is the only real growth

I'm not perfect. But I'll always be real

Acting to me is real life - I don't act.

For me, horror movies are a real escape.

I feel like a real cowboy! Yippi Ki Yay!

I have only one real hobby - my husband.

The heart is the real fountain of youth.

I have some real big goals with England.

Most real relationships are involuntary.

I prefer a real villain to a false hero.

There’s nothing like real love. Nothing.

The real excitement is playing the game.

I live, like every real man, in my work.

The real boneheads are the libertarians.

Perhaps this is the only real evil left.

Karma is real, it balances the universe.

Life is real, and death is the illusion.

People want to see real women on screen.


You can't write nothing that ain't real.

Time is a mind construct. It's not real.

All that is real is seen with the heart.

If we only knew the real value of a day.

This is AIDS. AIDS is as real as an egg.

Every real story is a never ending story.

Happiness isn't real unless it is shared.

Acting is about being real, being honest.

Conformity is the only real fashion crime

The real war will never get in the books.

Real life is in love, laughter, and work.

A work of real merit finds favor at last.

Out of near disaster, came real progress.

Your real job in this world is to be you.

The real secret of success is enthusiasm.

Will the real Red Reaper please stand up?

Joining Real Madrid is a dream come true.

Keep thy friend Under thy own life's key.

Danger is very real but fear is a choice.

The unexpected and unpredictable is real.

I had never seen a real live dead person.

The real writer is one who really writes.

I think comedy is funnier when it's real.

Only other people can make you feel real.

I feel most real to myself in the studio.

Well, who’s real? The living or the dead?

Hollywood... Real diamonds, fake breasts.

A true woman always loves a real soldier.

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