I'm an environmentalist; I recycle.

There is no 'recycle too much.' That's an oxymoron.

I recycle as much as I can but I'm not an eco warrior.

Hi, I'm Nadine Velazquez, and my green tip is: recycle.

It's hard to get everybody to recycle paper and plastic, let alone.

Filter from your tap, and if you do occasionally buy the bottles, please recycle.

We need to throw away less, recycle a lot more and turn much of the rest into energy.

So I'm going to go on and work on preserving the ozone layer, encouraging everyone to recycle.

I recycle and try to reuse bags in shops but, like most people, I don't do as well as I could.

Filipinos don't wallow in what is miserable and ugly. They recycle the bad into things of beauty.

My personal closet has mostly vintage and thrift store finds because I like to recycle in many ways.

It is always good to keep learning. Every day things change and we should recycle ourselves every day.

If you want grown-ups to recycle, just tell their kids the importance of recycling, and they'll be all over it.

I really look at my childhood as being one giant rusty tuna can that I continue to recycle in many different shapes.

We recycle everything in my house. I'm not into any particular organizations, but I'm doing my part and that makes me feel okay.

We're all concerned about sustainable energy. If we could recycle waste heat to generate energy, we could use it for something useful.

Restaurants should be forced to recycle their leftovers for animal consumption - and should create fewer leftovers in the first place.

A photograph doesn't gain weight or lose weight, or change from being happy to being sad. It's frozen. You can use it, then recycle it.

Here, you go to the supermarket and you have wipes to clean your hands before shopping. No, we don't have that in France, but we recycle.

A lot of times when people cast me, they want this big, deep black voice... And I tend to recycle them with different roles from time to time.

We have been getting ready to recycle more e-waste by investing in infrastructure, providing grants to local government and working with industry.

I think we would all like to believe that every new event demands a new word. But we're environmentally conscious with our words. We recycle words we've got.

My number one thing is to recycle everything from newspaper to aluminum cans, and I even use a canvas bag instead of the plastic ones when I go to the grocery store.

If we can recycle a valuable product that serves an important purpose - and create jobs in the process - then why wouldn't we? Well, that's exactly what fly ash offers.

I grew up in the working class suburbs in the 80s so I do love Hollywood movies but what I don't like is when they take something that's successful and they recycle it.

You can't change the world; you can't fix the whole environment. But you can recycle. You can turn the water off when you're brushing your teeth. You can do small things.

When we unwrap presents, I tend to sit there with a bin liner trying to collect up the wrapping paper and thinking about which pieces I can reuse and which I will recycle.

Just by being out you're doing your part. It's like recycling. You're doing your part for the environment if you recycle; you're doing your part for the gay movement if you're out.

How we feel about ourselves as we read the newspaper, set the table, wash the dishes, recycle the trash and wash our clothes... is essential to our overall happiness and well-being.

The radio stations will happily recycle a badly worded statement by a politician all day but will steer clear of broadcasting more than once or twice a poem by Tomas Transtromer or Rita Dove.

It makes a big difference to recycle. It makes a big difference to use recycled products. It makes a big difference to reuse things, to not use the paper cup - and each time you do, that's a victory.

I worked a full-time job at a place call Caraustar. We recycle paper, then through recycled paper, we take it and we make V board out of it. If you buy a TV, a new couch, you see these little V boards that make like a V.

I'm mad keen on recycling because I'm worried about the next generation and where all this waste we're producing is going. It has to stop. I wash out my plastic containers and recycle envelopes, everything I possibly can.

People in south Manchester overwhelming want to be able to recycle more than they currently can - especially cardboard and plastics - and want more frequent and accessible collections, particularly for those living in flats.

I support the Surfrider Foundation, which is focused on protecting the oceans and beaches. I also recycle and use mass transit, ride my bike as often as I can, or I walk, which is one of the best parts about living in New York City.

My husband and I were very addicted to our Nespresso coffee maker. It's incredibly un-eco friendly. Not only is the coffee not organic, you're using these pods where there is no way to recycle them. We gave it away to someone who didn't mind.

Fantasy has had some problems with being too repetitive, in my opinion. I try to read what other people are doing - and say, 'How can I add to this rather than just recycle it? How can I stand on Tolkien's shoulders rather than stand tied to his kneecaps?'

I recycle. I have a house in the south of France and I have a small garden. My name is Dujardin - 'from the garden.' I grow carrots, peppers, strawberries, green beans, and things for salads, but there are lots of wild boars all around and they steal the food.

I thought it was normal to recycle pants and shoes from your older cousins. That was just my way of life. At the end of the month, there was not much food in the refrigerator and you're hoping the first comes so food can come again. You never forget those things.

There's a time and a place for a bit of realism, and it's bands like Arctic Monkeys that do it amazingly well. But why do bands have to recycle something that's already been done very well? We wanted to make interesting pop music, and to drop in literary references.

The fact that people still know us is, in my opinion, a result of our music and of the big money that runs the music industry today. The people who control the industry are accountants who recycle everything in new, nostalgic packages, and everything else, to make more money.

I plan my golf outfits for the tournaments, I recycle some for the practice rounds, but I always have new ideas for my golf attire, and I like to dress nice after the rounds, so I have to bring all my heels. It's terrible. The worst part about being on tour is living out of a suitcase.

I have a company, and I've got to think about that. I'm trying to do my best there, and that's a much harder task. We recycle as much as possible, and we conserve. But I've always been one to save everything - I even walk up stairs on the very inside or the very outside to not wear out the tread.

I usually start writing a novel that I then abandon. When I say abandon, I don't think any writer ever abandons anything that they regard as even a half-good sentence. So you recycle. I mean, I can hang on to a sentence for several years and then put it into a book that's completely different from the one it started in.

If you are going to write, say, fantasy - stop reading fantasy. You've already read too much. Read other things; read westerns, read history, read anything that seems interesting, because if you only read fantasy and then you start to write fantasy, all you're going to do is recycle the same old stuff and move it around a bit.

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