As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to ...

As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.

We can remake the world daily.

I liked the remake of 'Ghostbusters.'

I don't write any kind of sequel or remake.

I don't think you can ever remake a classic.

Sanely applied advertising could remake the world.

Most spiders eat and remake their webs every night.

'Kabir Singh' is the Hindi remake of 'Arjun Reddy.'

I always say that you should remake flops, not hits.

Our task is not to rediscover nature but to remake it.

I don't remake any movie, whether old or of other language.

Better a decent remake than a bad original, don't you think?

I'm not a big fan of remakes. I never wanted to do a remake.

I'd love to do a superhero movie, like a remake of Wonder Woman.

We need to remake the Democratic party. We need to remake America.

I hope they remake 'Look Who's Talking' - then I'd make some money!

We remake 'Hamlet' all the time. That's sort of what we do, humans.

If you are going to remake a film, you may as well remake a classic.

You don't want to remake something that's just been made, as an actor.

We did a remake of Lost in Space. Filmed it in London for four months.

Whatever my father did were great films. I don't want to remake any of them.

This is my year of the remake. Go for it, see what you can do, guys, why not?

Why would you want to remake a movie that has endured for more than 25 years?

I have not met a Filipino actor who didn't dream of working on an 'FPJ' remake.

Unfortunately, some women want to remake their husbands after their own design.

Doing a remake is an open admission that, 'boss, I don't have anything of my own.'

Amitabh Bachchan's role in 'Deewar'… I'd love to do that if someone does a remake.

The Hindi remake rights for 'Visaranai' have been bought by director Priyadarshan.

Success of a film has got nothing to do with whether it's a remake or an original.

I surf. I would love to do a remake of 'Gidget.' It could be, like, black 'Gidget.'

What makes a movie now is a package, a brand, a remake or some preexisting material.

Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.

When you do a remake, there's a lot of pressure because people always love the original.

If a remake is not good, no one wants to see it and, again, it doesn't hurt the original.

We are pleased to have acquired remake rights of 'Comali' for all languages in the world.

I don't think it's sacrilegious to remake any movie, including a good or even great movie.

Oh, you know, I think it was definitely a little pressure, to remake something like 'Fame'.

At the major studios, you see people wanting to remake a TV series, wanting to make a sequel.

You know you've been around when they start to remake your own movies when you're still alive.

Though there's the pressure of matching to 'Pink,' I did not see 'Ner Konda Paarvai' as a remake.

Remakes have been done forever. People talk about 'Scarface' and don't even know it was a remake.

Oh yes, I've been approached to do all sorts of nonsense. How about a remake of 'West Side Story?'

Well I think always, when you remake films, I always think the first one is most original, authentic.

After all my hard work, I ventured into Bollywood with 'Traffic,' which is a remake of a Malayalam movie.

I really liked 'Premam,' and when we decided to remake it, our intention was never to make a better film.

I mean they're making remakes of my films and I'm not even dead yet! Why would you want to make a remake?

I'm not copying Bipasha in 'Trishna.' It is no doubt a remake of 'Jism,' but there are certain differences.

You want to make money, remake 'Cinderella.' You want to move people, remake the Hippolytus and Phaedra myth.

It's not a master plan to do every remake and every recreation of icons. It's just what I've been hired to do.

Many people ask me why I chose to remake 'Devdas.' I wanted to make a film that celebrated grandeur and grace.

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