We didn't grow up rich people.

Rich people are afraid to die.

Rich people know how to party, too.

Rich people march on Washington every day.

Rich people only like being around rich people.

We're running out of rich people in this country.

In all the world, rich people are very unpopular.

When you are rich, people treat you with respect.

Loneliness is the universal problem of rich people.

Like everyone else, rich people respond to incentives.

You can never become rich unless you like rich people.

I've never known a lot of rich people. It's not my bag.

When you are rich, people try to take advantage of you.

The only thing I like about rich people is their money.

Nothing is more portable than rich people and their money

Obama seems to want to do something to damage rich people.

Prosperity isn't something that squirts out of rich people.

The goal to strive for is a poor government but a rich people.

Movie stars, rich people - oh, they have so many beautiful cars!

Wealth brings great benefits to the world. Rich people are heros.

The middle class creates us rich people, not the other way around.

Give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same things as rich people.

I think it's good politics to beat up on big companies and rich people.

Rich people without wisdom and learning are but sheep with golden fleeces.

Poverty was a relationship, I thought, involving poor and rich people alike.

It is the wretchedness of being rich that you have to live with rich people.

The Obama economy is great for rich people. It's terrible for everybody else.

When rich people fight wars with one another, poor people are the ones to die.

Rich people in one country don't act the same as rich people in another country.

Whether rich people make money or lose money, they get no sympathy from the public.

The fact that rich people get free stuff and poor people have to pay, it's backwards.

I've been very fortunate. But rich? People make huge assumptions about the guys in Gn'R.

If someone is poor in India, they should be able to watch the same films as rich people.

There are rich people, and there are those who have money. They are not the same people.

When I was a child, I didn't fly - we couldn't afford to fly. Flying was for rich people.

You don't want money to make you a social freak where you can only hang out with rich people.

Look, rich people and business people do well whether Republicans or Democrats are in charge.

In aristocratic societies, rich people used to commission exquisite paintings for their walls.

I think we love watching rich people behave badly. It has a sort of grisly fascination for us.

There are rich people everywhere, and yet they don't contribute to the growth of their countries.

With the greater part of rich people, the chief enjoyment of riches consists in the parade of riches.

Forest Hills was a middle-class neighborhood filled with snobby rich people and their screaming brats.

We partied with the royal rich people, and we felt like rock stars. We drank all the whiskey in the place.

The way to turn our economy around is not by making rich people poorer, it's by making poor people richer.

Poor people have more fun than rich people, they say; and I notice it's the rich people who keep saying it.

Who has connections to Connecticut? That's where rich people go to live the rest of their life in the woods.

We didn't build Robinhood to make the rich people richer. The mission is to help the everyman, the rest of us.

Everybody wants to talk about black and white, when the situation is really about rich people against poor people.

Rich people who own mansions on the beach shouldn't get federal subsidies. If you want to stay there, take the risk.

My family got all over me because they said Bush is only for the rich people. Then I reminded them, 'Hey, I'm rich'.

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