Right is right and wrong is wrong.

I love the gray area between right and wrong.

'Right' and 'wrong' aren't words a linguist uses.

Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong.

I am not dead inside. I still care about right and wrong.

The quest for riches darkens the sense of right and wrong.

My dad made a huge impact on me in terms of right and wrong.

Our world is at the crossroads. We have a choice, right and wrong.

There is really no right and wrong. I recognize no right and wrong.

Are right and wrong convertible terms, dependant upon popular opinion?

Thanks to Allah, I trust myself to distinguish between right and wrong.

My mother taught me right and wrong, and the right is the only way to go.

I was raised to understand and know the difference between right and wrong.

Right and wrong are not simply matters of evolutionary impacts and what is natural.

The way I feel about music is that there is no right and wrong. Only true and false.

We cannot sway extremists with rational thought or with our ideas of right and wrong.

Some people have their beliefs and what they think is right and wrong in a relationship.

Just because people are older, they don't have the right to tell you what's right and wrong.

The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.

I've still got my senses about me, and I know what's right and wrong, which is the main thing.

I don't believe there's two sides to every story. It's black and white. There's right and wrong.

You have to follow your moral compass: it's a good guide of telling you what is right and wrong.

It is the greatest good to the greatest number of people which is the measure of right and wrong.

There are not 'many sides' in the fight against hatred and bigotry. There is only right and wrong.

Tragedy, for me, is not a conflict between right and wrong, but between two different kinds of right.

Adults lie to themselves all the time about what is acceptable, but kids know what is right and wrong.

George Washington understood that the Bible is the place where God's records of right and wrong are kept.

I believe in a higher power and I believe in good and bad, right and wrong. You sleep in the bed you make.

My idea of what's good and bad and right and wrong is maybe greyer than most, and I like writing about that.

For the gay establishment, the death of right and wrong began when gaining civil rights ceased to be enough.

Once you depart from the Ten Commandments as being the foundation of right and wrong, you are in a free fall.

They have a crystalline sense of right and wrong; it disappears when they walk out the door with their M.B.A.

Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights.

London is my home... I know what's right and wrong here, and it's nice to have somewhere familiar to go back to.

The said truth is that it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong.

If ye despise the human race, and mortal arms, yet remember that there is a God who is mindful of right and wrong.

When you're a little kid, growing up, most of us know what's right and wrong. Our parents teach us that discipline.

The hardest decisions in life are not between good and bad or right and wrong, but between two goods or two rights.

Sidney Lumet's chief preoccupation wasn't art. It was right and wrong in the American city, nearly always in New York.

When you are bringing up your kids, you hope you have given them some sense of right and wrong, a sense of good and bad.

To be able to make statements, you need to be confident about what you think. You need to have a sense of right and wrong.

The thing I would most like to see invented is a way of teaching children and grown-ups the difference between right and wrong.

It's good to play something that's black and white, and a guy that sees right and wrong. I've never played a character like that.

Right and wrong are not relative terms. There are fundamental truths. Evil flourishes, but good men continue to battle it - and win.

Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and when people start getting it confused, that means they need to sit down with some real people.

The constant assumption runs throughout the law that the natural and spontaneous evolutions of habit fix the limits of right and wrong.

There will be good and bad, right and wrong. Your reaction of choice, good or bad, has consequences that affect you and those around you.

There is real confusion about what it means to be right and wrong - the difference between what spiritual beliefs are and what science is.

In years and generations down the line, there's going to be a right and wrong side of history, and I certainly want to be on the right side.

As we develop the moral aspect of our lives, we often adapt standards of right and wrong that serve as guides and deterrents for our conduct.

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