The Canadian voice is still too rustic.

I make very basic country rustic furniture.

I really like rustic mediterranean cooking. And I like trying out curry takeaways.

I hate flashy metrosexual men. I prefer a rustic man who will make a long-time companion.

I love how Jamie Oliver makes seasonal, local foods in a rustic way, without a lot of fuss.

My personal decorating style is cozy, romantic and a little rustic, with a sense of whimsy.

I love really simple colours at home - lots of cream, beige, and grey with rustic wooden tables.

He who postpones the hour of living is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses.

The quiet rhythmic monotone of the wall of logs fills one with the rustic peace of a secluded nook in the woods.

In Tamil and Telugu films, I am not called for stylish roles and often play rustic or unglamorous roles in them.

My husband is from Florence. And he has a 15th-century barn that is completely rustic and very 'Green Acres'-like.

Malayalis tend to be nostalgic about rustic storylines, pastoral themes and ordinary folk who lead a simple way of life.

I've always loved the rustic, slightly worn style of Canvas and that element of an artisanal hand. It's so inherently chic.

I call my design style rustically modern. I like to take traditional or rustic features and fuse it into a more modern design.

Like a rustic at a fair, we are full of amazement and rapture, and have no thought of going home, or that it will soon be night.

Scandinavian-Danish cuisine was something quite rustic, mostly known for pastries and smorgasbord cuisine, which in itself has become a joke.

Every rustic who delivers in the village alehouse his slow, infrequent sentences, may help to kill or keep alive the fatal superstitions which clog his race.

I always sort of swooned at the sight of the classic barn structures in central and northern Minnesota, where everything seemed rustic and weathered and made to age gracefully.

Until the end of elementary school, I lived in a suburban area, so the type of village I used to live in is borderline between village and the city, so I'm familiar with the rustic environment.

I have worked with wool all my life as a designer. There's so much more to it than knitwear - it's an amazingly versatile material and can be used in so many different ways from chic to rustic.

My food is Louisiana, New Orleans-based, well-seasoned, rustic. I think it's pretty unique because of my background being influenced by my mom, Portuguese and French Canadian. There's a lot going on there.

Newfoundlanders, what are we? We're slobbering idiots, slack-jawed simpletons, rustic fish billies living in Dogpatch-on-the-rocks, lower than lower Slobovians, the laughing stock and 'white trash' of Canada.

I've always been known for bold flavors and rustic cooking, but there is another side to me. As you evolve as a cook, you understand life and how serious it is. There comes a point where there's got to be a better balance.

Often, in horror films, the single most effective device for building a sense of scariness is the soundtrack: the clanking of chains, the groaning of off-stage ghouls, the unmistakable sound of a cannibal rustic firing up a chainsaw.

Back in 1990, there were fewer than 20 wineries in and around Paso Robles, a farming community midway between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Most of the wines produced there were rustic, highly tannic and alcoholic, with little charm or finesse.

Civic poetry is public poetry. It is political poetry. It is about the hard stuff of life: money, crime, gender, corporate excess, racial injustice. It gives expression not just to our rites but also to our problems and even our values; these poems are not about rustic vacations.

A molcajete is a stone mortar and pestle from Mexico. They're great for grinding spices and making salsa and guacamole because they give everything a nice coarse and rustic feel. I've never collected anything, but I think I might start collecting these because each one is decorated differently.

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