I always embrace the worst-case scenario.

My friends call me Miss Worst Case Scenario.

If I get too type-cast, that's the worst possible scenario.

A scenario without NAFTA is something we have to think about.

Mexico cannot put up with this scenario of death and kidnapping.

An auditory scenario for the players to act out with their instruments.

I'm more into describing a scenario and I move around in that scenario.

There's no scenario in which I wouldn't want my entire family at a wedding.

A perfect scenario would be to feel like you've just started on every event.

Botswana has an incredible future if it can wrestle the HIV scenario to the ground.

I'd rather be the guy you can turn to in a high-pressure scenario than a dead rubber.

Of course, the ideal scenario for parenting is obviously two parents of a mature age.

If I would need to make a prediction I still believe Kaplan's scenario is very plausible.

I find it very difficult to see a scenario where financial regulation doesn't pass the Senate.

Try to have as diverse group of friends as possible and don't get into the the clique scenario.

As a parent I provide all I can, but I think in the best possible scenario you need to have a man.

The best-case scenario is that the glass shatters in my face! How do you think that makes me feel?

If that doomsday scenario happens, will it help if you have heaps of paper money? I don't think so.

I'm having a great career, though I think I'm not as good as your little scenario makes me out to be.

When you can look at failure and say, 'What is the worst case scenario,' it's not as bad as it seems.

In some cases, if you are not happy with a certain scenario, you have to give it a makeover, you know?

I was told that my best-case scenario would likely consist of writing my memoir and then disappearing.

In the current scenario of climate change, predictions of extreme weather events are becoming difficult.

The political scenario has gotten so divisive - not only in Washington, D.C., but across the country, too.

My personality is such that I mostly tend to imagine the worst case scenario, which stresses me out a lot.

When we talk about a city, we need to talk about what the future is. Whats the ideal scenario in the future?

Ultimately, China may use force to push for unification with Taiwan, a scenario we all must work to prevent.

You can't just shoot your way out of every scenario in 'Resident Evil' games. You have to use your intelligence.

I am not going to do a film based on a bad scenario just to make a big Hollywood film or work with Hollywood stars.

Should that worse scenario materialize, then most probably our propensity to increase interest rates will be weaker.

When you discuss racism, it's almost a no-win scenario - but I don't think that means we shouldn't be discussing it.

The Iranian acquisition of nuclear weapons would be infinitely more costly than any scenario you can imagine to stop it.

When I did musicals in London a number of years ago, I was in a workshop scenario for a year or more with 'Bombay Dreams.'

You get to a stage where you replay every scenario in your head, but you have to stop; otherwise, you drive yourself insane.

Every time I thought I've seen every possible scenario, something else comes up. You just have to be prepared at every level.

I believe in professionalism and I believe in putting on the best possible match regardless of the scenario for our audience.

The idea of the mask in any scenario has always fascinated me. Not only does it protect identity, it also allows one to hide.

I always wanted to find something that I could wake up and not hate doing. Hating your job was probably my nightmare scenario.

A lot of people are scared that machines will take over the world, machines will turn evil: the Hollywood 'Terminator' scenario.

Whatever the scenario, the dynamism of developing nations, their demographics and competitive power are great sources for superiority.

One day, after a big music meeting, my manager took me to Sephora and said I could get whatever I wanted, which is the dream scenario.

A good scenario doesn't make a good science fiction story - but it's a setting within which a good science fiction story might be told.

Having buildings, growth models, having great progress, flyovers, and no human being is feeling for human being is a nightmare scenario.

Autonomous driving provides a scenario where AI can deliver smart tools for assistance in decision-making and planning to human drivers.

Although we have enough healthcare support, often it doesn't reach the poor and needy. In this scenario, technology is the best solution.

I love a good worst-case scenario. My brain just kind of works that way. I like that idea of how much a person can get away with, and why.

A scenario is, everyone takes gene therapy - not just curing rare diseases like cystic fibrosis, but diseases that everyone has, like aging.

We created a show and a scenario for college students where they can take what they learn in class every day and apply it to the real world.

I think that's what a lot of writers do, create a totally fantastical scenario that is a reflection of something else going on in their life.

I really believe the form of the film must be in the scenario; cinema is not just added value to the scripting. I believe in it as a totality.

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