I am increasingly ready to junk the public school system.

I'm not a very good advertisement for the American school system.

Unionized teachers have destroyed much of the state school system.

I was born and raised in Maryland and attended the public school system.

Mythology is studied in the school system because most of us come from it.

The public school system doesn't get everybody. Every generation has its rebels.

I've never said that you should have segregation of the school system or any other.

My primary and secondary education was provided by the Highland Park Public School System.

Let's make sure that we are working for age-appropriate sex education in our school system.

I know that the DeVos agenda has absolutely devastated our public school system in Michigan.

Going through the Chagrin Falls school system, I always thought I was going off to art school.

In the autumn of 1970 I had a job singing in the school system, playing my guitar in classrooms.

We were the first urban school system in the country to wire all of our schools for the Internet.

I believe there ought to be school choice, so that parents can choose within the public school system.

We know that there will never be a great Newark unless there is a great public school system for our city.

All four of my grandparents were educators, my mom was a school nurse, and I went through the public school system.

We have 200,000 kids a year who drop out of the French school system and have no hope. They become a drag on society.

Free quality health facilities have been made available to the children of the poor families through Daanish School System.

Our public school system is our country's biggest and most inefficient monopoly, yet it keeps demanding more and more money.

A core part of Teach For America's mission has always been affecting positive change in the traditional public school system.

If the government is going to mandate levels and punish schools for failing, they should send that money to the school system.

We are now operating a school system in America that's more segregated than at any time since the death of Martin Luther King.

In addition to a well-funded school system, we need to encourage and exploit innovative approaches for learning outside the classroom.

Now in a lot of rural towns in Kentucky, the school system is the heartbeat of the community, not to mention one of the major employers.

In a home school, the kid does 95% of the work. But in a school system, since it's an indoctrination system, a teacher has to do 95% of the work.

When you introduce competition into the public school system, most studies show that schools start to do better when they are competing for students.

There were only two other Chinese families in this town of 25,000, but to our parents, the determining factor was the quality of the public school system.

My mother was told she couldn't go to medical school because she was a woman and a Jew. So she became a teacher in the New York City public school system.

Everything that we used to think got taught at home now seemingly has to be taught in the public school system, and something is going to get lost in the process.

There was not much money around, but my sister and I were happy. All the sports facilities were 10 minutes' walk from my house and the school system was very good.

Speaking as someone who didn't go through the U.K. school system, with all the culinary baggage that entails, I am inordinately fond of custard in any shape or form.

I didn't get trained by the school system like other kids, and when I did concentrate on learning, my mind was cluttered and locked by the programming of the system.

My early wounds were the English school system among other things. It wasn't merely the discipline, it was the ways in which boys got what was called the school spirit.

Despite (or because of) a free public school system, millions of teenagers enter the work force without marketable skills. So why would anyone expect them to be well paid?

I'm not arguing for a return to the grammar school system, but there must be a way of identifying bright kids from ordinary backgrounds and giving them a world-class education.

As more government functions are privatized, we find political leaders defunding the public school system, shifting government funds to the private, for-profit school industry.

I really don't think our school system is an evil borg force. It's sort of like the government. It's not even efficient enough to be a borg of total evil, even if it wanted to be.

I'm very much interested in getting prisons off the stock market. I'm very much interested in upgrading the public school system... and taking a second look at capital punishment.

The difference between the denominational system and the public school system is all the difference between bolstering them up on the one hand and letting them alone of the other.

I was on the board of Teach for America. And we transformed a failed public school system in the City of New Orleans, probably the most corrupted and failed system in the country.

The school system has become a part of this huge government machine, governed by people who aren't close to the situation. That's why I'm a Republican. I believe in small government.

I love Montclair. I loved it; it was great for my kids. I raised them all there, brought them up through the Montclair school system, and two of my daughters went to Montclair State.

The only way you can invent tomorrow is if you break out of the enclosure that the school system has provided for you by the exams written by people who are trained in another generation.

As somebody who thinks Tennessee history is important, I want to make certain that's still a part of the curriculum. I think that's critical for the people growing up in our school system.

Earlier today, Arnold Schwarzenegger criticized the California school system, calling it disastrous. Arnold says California's schools are so bad that its graduates are willing to vote for me.

I don't think Michael Bloomberg would say that his greatest skill is delivering the speech. He would say he's more of a nuts-and-bolts mayor-picking up the trash, dealing with the school system.

I'm really a product of an excellent school system and supportive parents. My high school band director gave me recordings of Louis Armstrong, Kenny Ball, and contemporaries like Nicholas Payton.

Growing up, I always said I would never go in to education. Both of my parents were teachers - my dad was also a principal and a superintendent. I just didn't want to be part of the school system.

If you're going to have a public subsidy to education, vouchers are clearly a better way of delivering it. They should result in some loosening up and privatization of the government school system.

In the same way that our school system feels strongly about requiring vaccinations and annual physicals, I feel strongly that it is essential to add a mental health component to that annual physical.

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