Generally, screenplays suck.

No one bought my screenplays.

It's hard writing screenplays.

I'm the Emily Dickinson of screenplays.

Screenplays are the currency of Hollywood.

I write screenplays in the middle of the night.

My God, there are so many mediocre screenplays out there.

I've written a couple screenplays and half-finished plays.

Most screenplays depend primarily on the vision of a director.

I started writing screenplays myself and eventually directing.

I'm currently writing a screenplay that I haven't started yet.

I think I would like to write screenplays, books, really anything.

Although I write screenplays, I don't think I'm a very good writer.

Most screenplays I receive are boring, and some are straight-out bad.

I just really loved films and thought I should be writing screenplays.

I did write a couple of original screenplays, but I'd rather write plays.

I'm developing some screenplays at the moment with my Australian producer.

In all my screenplays, I have been exploring various aspects of femininity.

I was never conscious of my screenplays having any acts. It's all bullshit.

Screenplays aren't written to be read, they're written to be made into movies.

Movies are not the book. Movies are not even the screenplay. They are the movie.

I began writing fictional stories and little screenplays when I was in fifth grade.

I've written about 15 screenplays and they all sold - they were all sold on pitches.

The whole process of making movies and writing screenplays is visceral and intuitive.

Getting your screenplay right is the most important thing you'll ever do on your film.

I set out to write a screenplay but, since my early 20s, had dreamed of writing a novel.

In the past, I'll admit, I've enjoyed being compared to the protagonists in my screenplays.

I write a number of screenplays, and I've never really come up with a part for a movie star.

For me, if Shakespeare was around today, he'd be writing screenplays - a big Hollywood movie.

I've only ever taken a playwriting class, but I like creative writing and writing screenplays.

Screenplays are not works of art. They are invitations to others to collaborate on a work of art.

I didn't know anything about writing a screenplay, but somehow I ended up rewriting a screenplay.

If I really considered myself a writer, I wouldn't be writing screenplays. I'd be writing novels.

I don't card out my screenplays ever. I just have an idea I just sit down and write I don't edit.

No screenplay is possible, unless you get some attachment from somebody who's going to get it made.

I just write by instinct and my screenplays are often the effort of a year-long penance on a subject.

Film isn't a meritocracy; there's no system ensuring the best screenplays get produced. It's a hustle.

I've been writing screenplays for a long time, and a lot of it came out of the journalism I was doing.

I don't read books on how to write screenplays just because I'm stubborn. So it's all sort of made up.

There are a lot of bad screenplays so if you write a good screenplay people are going to respond to it.

I really just love to open a blank document and spew, whereas with a screenplay I have to be more judicious.

I think I've had pretty good experiences for the most part with the people who have directed my screenplays.

I think the reason I wrote screenplays for nearly a decade was because it was my territory. I could stake that out.

The screenplay is a great document because it makes you have many discussions prior to actually being on the floor.

I write mostly as a director. That's why my screenplays are very detailed. So I get into the images I see. I like that.

I actually think I'm probably more interested in structure than most people who write screenplays, because I think about it.

I've come to find more satisfaction and enjoyment in writing screenplays over the years because that's what I do primarily now.

I find screenplays easy to write, my novels being very visual. You see what people look like. The physical action is described.

I've been working with a lot of people out in Hollywood on writing scripts, screenplays, directing, producing, and making music.

In my screenplays - from the very beginning I've always used tape. I talk my screenplays. And then have somebody transcribe them.

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