Bond reflected that good Americans were fine people and that most of them seemed to come from Texas.

Nothing seemed as scary as waking up at 40 and realizing that I had not lived a very courageous life.

I think back to the old people I knew when I was growing up, and they always seemed larger than life.

I didn't want to get married - I thought it was like a cult! It seemed so conservative and unnatural.

It just seemed the timing of it was a little bit of pandering to the public at a time of an election.

The poor monkey, quietly seated on the ground, seemed to be in sore trouble at this display of anger.

In a way I guess I'd be a bad judge of what it was like because it just seemed perfectly normal to me.

It always seemed to me a bit pointless to disapprove of homosexuality. It's like disapproving of rain.

I've had an unusual career in that I've never had a big break, but the rent always seemed to get paid.

When I started working with mirrors, it seemed to be the perfect material to stand in for that waiting.

I was on stage with Cyndi Lauper, and my trousers split. It seemed like she was going to sing for ever.

I went into acting because I'm easily bored. Acting seemed to give vent to a lot of different feelings.

I could have been more famous if I did all the glitzy things, but celebrity always seemed so unnecessary.

It has always seemed to me that Barack Obama has studied intensely and learned a great deal from Lincoln.

You realize that the first Bryan Ferry album was pretty good although at the time it seemed a bit cheesy.

After the horse dance was over, it seemed that I was above the ground and did not touch it when I walked.

I got into journalism because I came of age in the '60s. It just seemed one way for me to get things done.

Why has it seemed that the only way to protect the environment is with heavy-handed government regulation?

At the time it seemed like a natural development of my interest in what was going on around me in society.

Setting my mind on a musical instrument was like falling in love. All the world seemed bright and changed.

Working as a head coach always seemed to be a bit short term. You lose five games and you're out of a job.

It's always good to get a goal on your first shift, but this was a game it seemed everything was going in.

When I was anorexic it just seemed like I literally wanted to disappear. And now I would like to reappear.

I think when people talk about ambition and talking to him, it might have seemed that he wasn't ambitious.

Hot water is my native element. I was in it as a baby, and I have never seemed to get out of it ever since.

After I lost my fiance, it seemed like it would be better to always be alone than to risk being hurt again.

When I was bald, I went through a period where I seemed to do nothing except TV programmes about being bald.

I always wanted to be an explorer, but - it seemed I was doomed to be nothing more than a very silly person.

I had dreams, but I didn't have the sense that they would necessarily work out. They seemed very far-fetched.

It seemed really amazing that you could write a few lines of code and have it learn to do interesting things.

For the longest time, people would say to me that I didn't feel very modern, that I seemed from another time.

It seemed to me that this might be a great pageant, which would give a chance for a very interesting picture.

I grew up abroad, and when I first passed through London in the 1970s, it seemed a drab and provincial place.

I grew up when people seemed actually to be hurting themselves for their art. Of course, some of it was phony.

Since 'Huckleberry Finn,' or thereabouts, it seemed that all American literature was about the alienated hero.

My high school in Seattle, Lakeside, seemed conservative on the surface, but it was educationally progressive.

A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.

When I was a kid I was always afraid of small dogs, because they always seemed like the ones that would attack.

To middle-class parents, the project team may have seemed unfit for children, but it was exactly what I needed.

When I started learning the cello, I fell in love with the instrument because it seemed like a voice - my voice.

When I was in school, I liked math because all the problems had answers. Everything else seemed very subjective.

Having grown up in the Middle East, eating beans for breakfast always seemed like a bizarre British eccentricity.

I wanted to be the moron of the family, because morons seemed to have more fun, more freedom and more personality.

Dodi got a lot of criticism when he began dating Princess Diana. No one seemed to think he was good enough for her.

When someone was hitting me, or like sexually molesting me, it just seemed normal to continue to do that to myself.

When you see Bret Hart versus Steve Austin, it just seemed so much more real than Hulk Hogan versus Sgt. Slaughter.

I damaged my health during 'Les Mis,' which I didn't want to mention in case it seemed like I was courting sympathy.

When I first came to Guangzhou in 1981, it seemed such a hard and dour place with everyone in Chairman Mao uniforms.

Shanghai was a peculiar city: so many people; everyone seemed to be working all the time. The skyline was beautiful.

I really didn't want to have my name on the center, because it just seemed like it was too much of a personal thing.

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