Self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment.

Relentless, repetitive self talk is what changes our self-image.

People can very quickly have a very poor self-image. It doesn't take much.

A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.

We don't realize how much racism has tainted our self-image as human beings.

A positive self-image has little relationship to our material circumstances.

If we want people to vote, we need to make it a larger part of their self-image.

Distortions control my self-image, like they do for a lot of us. It's irrational.

The easiest time to cure an illness is before it is accepted as a part of the self-image.

The more a woman likes her job, the better her self-image and the more she enjoys her life.

The person we believe ourselves to be will always act in a manner consistent with our self-image.

One of the good things about accomplishing something is that it helps your self-image of yourself.

I like when a man has a positive self-image, no matter what he looks like. I'm not into rock-hard abs.

The past is not simply the past, but a prism through which the subject filters his own changing self-image.

I confront the European elite's self-image as tolerant 'while under their noses women are living like slaves.

I had a lot of failed relationships, a lot of unhappiness, a lot of shame and embarrassment, bad self-image stuff.

No matter how I might feel about myself or my self-image, there is still a part of me that wants to fight to the end.

I had such a warped self-image. And I really think America thought I was an eccentric loudmouth. I thought I was demure.

If you start imagining an audience for yourself, you don't do justice to the job. You fall into that trap of a self-image.

When I was younger, I was chubby. It gave me a terrible sense of self-image, and I guess I carry that around with me still.

Seeing, feeling, thinking, believing - these are the stages of how we change our style on the outside and our self-image on the inside.

The 'self-image' is the key to human personality and human behavior. Change the self image and you change the personality and the behavior.

A poor self-image is the magnifying glass that can transform a trivial mistake or an imperfection into an overwhelming symbol of personal defeat.

Be in the habit of experimenting with your clothing so that you don't get stuck for life with a self-image developed over the course of high school.

I think there is a danger with young people of being dependent in the sense that they don't acquire any identity or self-image of themselves as thinkers.

I've let a lot of things go, and obviously football is one of them. I think the hardest thing to let go is your self-image. That's what I'm working on now.

To be completely stripped bare of any image power or my hair. To step onstage and get the response that I got blew any problems I had about self-image out the door.

To be 'squeezed' is to be bound by a very American psychological and socio-economic predicament. Being squeezed involves one's finances, one's social status, and one's self-image.

The self-image of many contemporary sportswriters seems to depend on maintaining that were it not for sports, athletes would be pumping gas, if they were not sticking up the gas station.

Your self-image is the result of all you have given your subconscious mind as a database, so regardless of your background, what you are willing to become is the only reality that counts.

Consciousness, much like our feelings, is based on a representation of the body and how it changes when reacting to certain stimuli. Self-image would be unthinkable without this representation.

Essential to the self-image of conservatives is the notion that they are enemies of an established orthodoxy, insurgents against the dogmatic political correctness that predominates on the Left.

Our society's strong emphasis on dieting and self-image can sometimes lead to eating disorders. We know that more than 5 million Americans suffer from eating disorders, most of them young women.

If you look at any of the big companies, whether it is IBM or L'Oreal, they have a corporate religion and corporate self-image that makes it very difficult for them to execute in different areas.

When i was younger I was much more self focussed. I was worried about my self-image. I thought I was too fat. I was very critical of myself, and then I met and got to know and understand my husband. He helped me turn myself around. He had such a positive attitude towards life.

Demagoguery sells. And therefore radio stations will put it on. But that doesn't mean that you can't do something else and also make it sell. You know, when I look at an Ann Coulter or I look at a Rush or I look at a Sean Hannity, I think to myself, 'What kind of self-image do you have?'

I met over a hundred preteens who told me their stories. I asked them how they felt about their femininity in today's society. I wanted to know how they dealt with their self-image at a time when social media is so important, and they have access to so much information and so many images.

I always have to brace myself when I visit my parents. My mom often greets me with a slew of nonconstructive criticisms: 'Jimmy, why is your face so fat? Your clothes look homeless and your long hair makes you look like a girl.' After 30 years of this, my self-image is now a fat homeless lesbian.

I.Q. deficiency. There are some people who are an order of fries short of a Happy Meal, and what is often a characteristic about every one of these people is that they don't know it. They have no idea how incompetent or stupid they are. It's the exact opposite. They have the loftiest, highest self-image.

In the early 1940s, as a young teenager, I was utterly appalled by the racist and jingoist hysteria of the anti-Japanese propaganda. The Germans were evil, but treated with some respect: They were, after all, blond Aryan types, just like our imaginary self-image. Japanese were mere vermin, to be crushed like ants.

I'm definitely a vintage collector. I have a wardrobe of core basics that I like to spice up with different colors, new accessories, and I love to try on new things to invite something different. I find, with every new stage of my life, my self-image shifts with new duties and responsibilities, and so does my fashion style.

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