So don't send me up the river yet.

If you really screw up, send roses.

Room service? Send up a larger room.

I love it when people send me body parts.

So don't applaud. Just send me the check.

Tell them to send everything that can fly.

The Japanese fans always send weird things.

I didn't send back any of the royalty checks.

I hate when people send me LinkedIn requests.

Wherever they send us to practice, we will go.

I send messages to the White House continuously.

I don't want no mail. Send me a Facebook message.

If You Want to Send a Message, Try Western Union.

I would never send my kids to a single-sex school.

You can send a lot of instruction through laughter.

Send a bouquet of your face with the morning breeze.

It's useless to send models out on the runway to cry.

I can't be everything to everyone. Send me your specs.

When I win, I send shock waves through the boxing world.

No one really wants to send their kids off to die for oil.

Obscene salaries send the wrong message through a company.

The artist vocation is to send light into the human heart.

You don't send a man to his death because you want a hero.

I'm not the kind of director who aims to send a message out.

Get Miramax to send me down to Australia. I'd like to see it.

Designers send me clothes I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing.

As a woman I can't go to war, and I refuse to send anyone else.

I send a text every day to my partner Cath, saying 'I love you.'

When an actor has money, he doesn't send letters, but telegrams.

I wish my name was Cobb. Then they would send over a Cobb salad.

I'm blessed, I can afford to send my children to private school.

If I could send myself a bunch of snake emojis, I probably would.

If we can send a man to the moon, then why don't we send a woman?

I don't want to send them to jail. I want to send them to school.

I would have answered your letter sooner, but you didn't send one.

I love that fans feel comfortable enough to send us their artwork.

I get so full off of stories that people send in of encouragement.

Open your mouth and shut your eyes and see what Zeus will send you.

You send a boy to school in order to make friends - the right sort.

When an actor has money he doesn't send letters, he sends telegrams.

To send our troops, our ships, our planes to this war is ridiculous.

Ten men waiting for me at the door? Send one of them home, I'm tired.

I'd rather send out a mass email then hang posters all over the place.

I eat so much mayonnaise they were going to send me to the Mayo Clinic.

Rotten travesty. Yeah. Send me to jail for contempt. Try that. Go ahead.

What message do we send to America if we impeach Obama and he gets away?

A lot of parents pack up their troubles and send them off to summer camp.

All those who are here can stay. I don't say send them home like he does.

I'm like the kid in kindergarten; I really do send valentines to everyone.

Our clothes are going to pieces fast. Send provisions as soon as possible.

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