I wish I had a great singing voice.

My singing voice isn't like my speaking voice.

When I was young, I had a beautiful singing voice.

Everyone thinks I'm singing falsetto, but that's my normal singing voice.

My singing voice is somewhere between a drunken apology and a plumbing problem.

I like Joan Jett's 'I Love Rock 'n' Roll' because it's got a nice low singing voice.

You know, your speaking voice comes back, but your singing voice you use in a different way.

Speech lessons probably did more for my singing voice - they teach you breathing, resonance.

I don't have a terrible singing voice, but I also wouldn't call it 'good.' I can carry a tune.

My singing voice has sort of an Ethel Merman-type quality: just, like, loud and strong and full.

My own singing voice is not very good and I don't think that anybody really sings in their own voice.

As a vocalist, I can scream, and I've got a really good singing voice, but I can't do the really heavy vocals.

I'm a huge karaoke person even though I have the worst singing voice. When you love doing something, who cares?

I don't like my voice, and I don't enjoy my singing voice; I do what I do to bring pleasure and diversion to the fans.

I tried to connect my singing voice to my guitar an' my guitar to my singing voice. Like the two was talking to one another.

I worked on my voice for Sweet Dreams, but only to match my speaking voice to Patsy's actual singing voice. That was my way into that character.

My mother had a gorgeous singing voice, and she'd play these amazing vinyls. My favorite was 'But Not for Me,' on the 1954 album 'Chet Baker Sings.'

I love singing and I think I have a really nice voice, but I don't think I have an unbelievable singing voice. I think I have a great character voice.

The fact that I'm obviously well enough to be playing - in fine fettle and fine singing voice, yet I am not playing with The Libertines - is a sore point.

When poetry separates from song, then the words have to carry all the rhythm themselves; they have to do all the work. They can't rely on the singing voice.

There is nothing whatsoever friendly about Slipknot. Corey may have a singing voice, but it's always been done with so much passion that it's always been brutal.

I was clearly brought into the whole thing about acting by my mother. She loved the theater. She had a very pleasant singing voice, which she used to sing for her ladies' club.

Hormone replacement therapy does not change or affect your voice. And I have no problem with my voice: I really like my singing voice, I don't feel any dysphoria with my talking voice.

I love the sound of the saxophone. It became my singing voice, and it sounds so human. The saxophone could carry the words past the border of words. It can carry it a little bit farther.

In my head, I have the most sensational singing voice. I perform concerts to thousands in the shower. The reality is I can hold a tune. The dream is a West End musical one day - no, really!

I play the mandolin, which people don't often expect great things from. But it has it's charms, and it's my voice. I feel like I had as little choice in the matter as I do my speaking and singing voice.

I love to listen to pop music and I admire people who do that, but I don't think I would ever be a very good pop star. I always leave that singing voice for the shower! I wouldn't put it out in the world!

I was constantly, always and forever, trying to perform the musical 'Annie' for anyone who would listen, and I have a terrible singing voice. It was the first thing that made me think I wanted to be an actress.

I always vaguely knew I wanted to perform, but I haven't got the greatest singing voice and my dancing isn't up to scratch. Acting was really the only alternative. My parents have been really supportive throughout.

I want to make the music that's not there anymore. I'm so passionate about the singing voice... What I'm trying to do actually with my album is show that it's my voice that's leading. It's my voice that's the instrument.

I loved being a soprano. It was one of my very favorite things in life, and thus far, and losing that voice was a profound emotional moment for me in my life. I never became that interested in my adult male singing voice.

With 'Fate's Right Hand,' I think I reached a level of completeness in forming and articulating ideas at around the same time I reached a place where I could match it with my singing voice. It was a kind of coming together.

My singing voice had rescued me from the scene I was in at school - I was an unpopular, bookish kid who had an indeterminate ethnic background. I became fascinated with women sopranos because they had a future that I didn't as a singer.

It was always difficult for me to listen to my singing voice for the first 20 years or so. I mean, I really enjoyed singing, and I enjoyed doing live shows, but being in a recording studio and having to hear my voice played back to me would really drive me up the wall.

As a writer, I find it very satisfying when a lyric suddenly ties together more neatly than you expected it to. But for the listener, hearing a good lyric is not generally as exciting as hearing a great beat or a great riff or a great melody or even a distinctive singing voice for the first time.

I was the singing voice of a cartoon character. I did dog food commercials. I did a lot of commercials, actually, and helped pay my rent and my classes. Then I'd get one good line or two good scenes. I was building my career and building my own experience and learning technically what it was like to be on a set and all of those things.

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