I am a living soap opera.

I'm a plain soap kind of guy.

Life is an X-rated soap opera.

What is elegance? Soap and water!

I'm clean and dope like heroin soap

I am a person. I am not a soap opera.

Soap operas are like acting boot camps.

No character in a soap is indispensable.

A girl could lather up in soap like that.

I've always wanted to be on a soap opera.

I think it's quite limiting to do a soap.

I intend to stay on her like hair on soap.

I started in this business on soap operas.

I was on the soap opera 'Days of our Lives.

Let me stay here," he said. "There was soap.

I was on the soap opera 'Days of our Lives.'

I was on a Swedish soap opera when I was 10.

Soap operas got nothing on my family history.

You have to think about the WWE as soap operas.

On a soap, happiness never lasts for very long!

Soap, a cleaning product, can be made from decay.

I have to stay in soaps to pay my bills to Kodak.

Soap, like people, shouldn't smell like anything.

You smell like crap so I know you don't like soap.

Even the Beatles lived their lives as a soap opera.

I just don't see ABC letting go of soaps completely.

Privately, we always called 'Hill Street' 'Cop Soap.'

I'd love to be an old actress and still be in a soap.

I used to listen to the soap operas with my grandmother.

Bubbles are just a little liquid soap and a breath of air.

Soap and water and common sense are the best disinfectants.

Every show has to end one day. It's part and parcel of a soap.

I only use my sick days for hang-overs and soap opera weddings.

For more than 13,000 days on the run, my life was a soap opera.

If you have to be in a soap opera try not to get the worst role.

I was the first movie star to plunge into night-time soap opera.

Nothing is as hard as working on a British soap in this industry.

I don't have time to spare for a daily soap; it needs commitment.

'Bleak House' is like the best soap you could ever hope to watch.

If a mute kid swears, should his mother wash his hands with soap?

I've used soap dishes as ashtrays in the best hotels in the world.

I started out in theater and then I got a job on a soap in New York.

I've turned down soap and deodorant commercials - it wasn't my route.

Getting trouble is always a problem when you are young and in a soap.

Nobody's ever tried the peace thing, ... We are selling it like soap.

My soap operas have been seen by a billion people all around the world.

I'm only a product like a cake of soap, to be sold as well as possible.

So I had all the names, three names, and that's good to have on a soap.

Zen is like soap. First you wash with it, and then you wash off the soap.

I wash my face every night with Ivory soap, and I don't wear much makeup.

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