I let go of all I no longer love, need, or use. I adore space.

My parents wanted me to grow up around horses and open spaces.

I would love to do something with space. I'm obsessed with it.

There is very little difference between men and women in space.

Truth lives in the spaces between words. It defies translation.

You don't have to apologize for being feminine in a male space.

I always had an interest in space and the effect it had on you.

What I didn't know was I was deeply attracted to the big space.

Our relationships live in the space between us which is sacred.

Please be responsible for the energy you bring into this space.

I believe that behind every closed door there is an open space.

Memory is the space in which a thing happens for a second time.

Love makes every space sacred and every moment meaningful . . .

Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space. Invite one to stay.

There are improbable things suspended in space, like the earth.

Space is an inspirational concept that allows you to dream big.

Time, matter, space - all, it may be, are no more than a point.

Space-time-causation, or name-and-form, is what is called Maya.

Reality lies far beyond space and time, and I need to know why.

I don't have to go into outer space to write about an astronaut.

God is the place of spirits, as spaces are the places of bodies.

Information is a substitute for time, space, capital, and labor.

One should make his decisions within the space of seven breaths.

Religion controls inner space; inner space controls outer space.

I want to do a film like 'Jolly LLB' or something in that space.

I try to imitate on the piano the leaps in space a dancer makes.

But a city is more than a place in space, it is a drama in time.

There's no space for wildlife; the humans are crowding them out.

What is a fantasy map but a space beyond which There Be Dragons?

If you create any open space within yourself, love will fill it.

Space is what stops everything from happening in the same place.

And of course, I absolutely loved making Lost in Space as a kid.

We affirm depth as the only pictorial and plastic form of space.

We are on a journey to keep an appointment with whatever we are.

We notice as the Bible goes on, the area of scared space shrinks.

Of course they fought as lovers must do to find a liveable space.

I want to be governor [of Texas] because I need the closet space.

For every person is a gaping space waiting to be filled with God.

Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.

Sites need to be able to interact in one single, universal space.

A dwelling should be not a retreat from space, but life in space.

If you're not living on the edge you're taking up too much space.

Time is not a line but a dimension, like the dimensions of space.

The space under the sky is occupied by all things in their unity.

We went to the Moon as technicians; we returned as humanitarians.

In an infinite universe, every point in space-time is the center.

Light and darkness cannot occupy the same space at the same time.

The only thing it would be nice to have more of would be M & M's.

I think the human race has no future if it doesn't go into space.

If the Sun and Moon should ever doubt, they'd immediately go out.

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