The spirit world doesn't admit to communicating with me, so it's fairly even.

I'm aware that people I have loved and have died and are in the spirit world looking after me.

Awakening your spiritual side is really what artists do. When you hit a groove, it's not you; it's the spirit world.

I might enjoy writing some ghost stories set in Japan because their whole idea about the spirit world is so interesting.

When we die, our spirits go to the spirit world, and our bodies return to the elements of the earth until the resurrection.

We took authority in the spirit world and refused to give Satan any room to operate. This is our responsibility as Christian parents.

When you hit a groove, it's not you; it's the spirit world. The spirits whisper the ideas in your brain and prod you along. They're the ones that are really happy.

I've always been genuinely interested in the spirit world. I've seen things I will never talk about because I'd be a fool to. You can't lay out that world in words.

I believe things happen that can't be explained, but so many people seem intent on explaining them. Everyone has an answer for them. Either aliens or things from the spirit world.

I have a foot here and a foot in some spirit world. There are many more layers to reality, and that permeates my life and my writing in a very natural way. I don't even think about it.

I have a very open mind. I believe that there's a spirit world. I believe that there's a lot of stuff out there that we don't know about, don't want to understand, and sometimes we don't want to understand it.

God's purpose in creation was to let us prove ourselves. The plan was explained to us in the spirit world before we were born. We were valiant enough there to qualify for the opportunity to choose against temptation here to prepare for eternal life, the greatest of all the gifts of God.

I think of some of my friends who have passed to the spirit world but are who here with me when I go to events and when I walk in my own community. My sisters, Ingred, my sister Marsha, and my sister Nielock. All cofounders of the Indigenous Women's Network with me. All long time women activists in the native community.

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