'Stargate' was more a fantasy.

I'm a huge geek, so I love 'Stargate' and 'Firefly.'

The scale of 'Independence Day' is much more than 'Stargate.'

When I got 'Stargate: Atlantis,' I said, 'Man, I'd love to be on HBO.'

I think what Stargate has going for it is a sense of humor about their science fiction.

My favorite episode of Stargate? All of them! My favorite episode of Parker Lewis? All of them!

There is going to be a 'Stargate: Atlantis' movie. Unfortunately I'll be making it by myself in my basement.

Even though these days I'm very selective about what roles I want to do, I will do Stargate anytime they call.

'Trek' is probably more cerebral and philosophical. 'Stargate' does seat-of-the-pants adventure and humor better.

When I was doing 'Deep Space Nine' the only other competing shows were 'Babylon Five' and I think 'Stargate' not too long after that.

No, I gained weight while playing the role of Rodney Mckay on Stargate Atlantis... breakfast burritos and a near endless supply of donuts.

So I think the popularity of the Internet at the same time as the show made a big part of this sort of groundswell of support for 'Stargate.'

I had an amazing time on 'Stargate: Atlantis', and a really great run on that show, which was shot in my hometown. It was kind of a dream job.

We worked with Max Martin's team, MXM, who are the best in the business as well. We worked with Stargate, which was phenomenal, and Victoria Monet.

Let's face it: Amanda Tapping's shoes are difficult to fill. She's a great actress and a popular character on 'Stargate'; she's just a lovely person.

'Stargate SG-1' is one of Sci Fi's sure-fire hits. It's got one of the best ensemble casts on television and one of the best production teams as well.

Stargate by far is the top of the pile when it comes to Sci-Fi. The quality is great. They have really good writers, production design, lighting, wardrobe.

I think if we did 'Stargate' right, the fans would like it, and we could do something really good. But if we screw it up, they'll reject it. As they should.

After 'Star Trek,' I was the commander on 'Stargate Atlantis,' the final season, and once my character had become a good commander, I was sorry that the show didn't last beyond that.

I think the first villain that I ever played was on 'Stargate'. I was this superior being that would take over a human host and believe that he was the most superior being in the universe.

Usually the science-fiction fan has some indication they're a sci-fi fan and, therefore, a 'Stargate' fan. In other words, they could be wearing a rubber head or some kind of costume or just a T-shirt that gives them away.

Of all the projects I've ever done, 'Stargate' is the only one from the beginning intended to be a trilogy. We always wanted to do parts two and three, but the thinking was they didn't want to do anything other than the TV series.

There was no studio involved when we made 'Stargate.' It was financed through Le Studio Canal+ in France and, after the film was finished, it was sold to MGM. When the film was a success, MGM decided to do a television series based on the movie.

When I tried to get 'Stargate' made, I took it to every studio in Hollywood and every studio said, 'Sci-fi is dead. It's a dead genre. No one wants to see science fiction anymore.' And I had to go and raise the money independently to make that movie.

'Stargate' has always had this empty hole. When we made the first one, we always intended on doing part two and three, and we were prevented for years. And our hope is that we can get another chance at 'Stargate' and tell the entire story we wanted to tell.

We did the original 'Stargate' as an independent movie. It was a surprise success. Shortly before the movie came out, the financiers who were frightened the movie might not do well sold the film to MGM. When the film came out, it was a hit and spawned TV shows.

I think on 'ER,' my other long-running show, I had some ideas about what's going on. 'Stargate Universe,' they were kind of secretive too a little bit about what they wanted to do, but I kind of liked working this way. I like the surprises, and I like knowing just enough to work on the character.

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