Layer by layer art strips life bare.

In comic strips, the person on the left always speaks first.

The best strips are the most honest. That's just the truth of it.

I remember my comic strips being called 'new wave.' It bugged me.

I hate Calvin and Hobbes. I think its a big re-hash of formula kid strips.

People think that whatever I put into strips has happened to me in my life.

That was my relationship to 'Archie' for the most part: just the Sunday strips.

The strips are nearly effortless unless I am really emotionally upset, a wreck.

I was an avid radio fan when I was a boy, as well as a great lover of comic strips.

It used to be that comic strips were the big thing, and comic books were toilet paper.

My dad taught me to read by reading comic strips in the Saturday paper and Archie comics.

You can go through comic strips alone and study the common man. You can trace our history.

Well, I've done a lot of strips since I've been here about Zippy and me being in Connecticut.

My life is like a series of comic strips, which is why I like investing: I really like new stuff.

There were influences in my life that were more important than journalism, such as comic strips and radio.

I never storyboard. I hate it. I don't understand why so many directors want to make comic strips of their films.

My skin is super sensitive, so an oil-based cleanser is just perfect, rather than some detergent thing that strips it.

Westlake is allusive, indirect, referential, a bit rococo, Stark strips his sentences down to the necessary information.

Women hate everything which strips off the tinsel of sentiment, and they are right, or it would rob them of their weapons.

The first skincare product I ever got was nose strips. I was 8 years old, and I was like, 'I want to feel like a grown-up.'

Cooking is a great leveller. You can be a sports star, an actor, an entrepreneur, anything, but cooking strips it all away.

I dye my hair, and I use teeth whitening strips. Unless I burnt myself or damaged my skin, I wouldn't have cosmetic surgery.

I guess that compared to other comic strips, I'm edgy. But put me along something like 'South Park,' and I'm 'Captain Kangaroo.'

With many comic strips, knowing when to quit isn't a problem: The syndicate editors simply cancel a feature that is losing papers.

Eliminate the energy vampires in your house. Connect all of your appliances to power strips and turn them off they're when not in use.

I like a real beach. A crowded one, you know? People, towels, umbrellas. I hate those little private strips of sand you see up in Malibu.

My cartoon strips in college strived to have the Schulzian mix of surrealism and Charlie Brown angst. A bit of that combo shows up in 'Up.'

I think in daily newspapers, the way comic strips are treated, it's as if newspaper publishers are going out of their way to kill the medium.

It seems to me that good novels celebrate the mystery in ordinary life, and summing it all up in psychological terms strips the mystery away.

Some of the reviewers wanted less. Some wanted lots more. Some wanted lots more of something else. But these strips are exactly what they are.

I always have my Biore strips because they're fun. I always have Crest White Strips. I always have lip balm, and I'll bring concealer with me.

I like Xtreme Sour Strips. These really colorful little strips that are so good. I like snacking on them. They're not healthy for you, though!

It's a very powerful, emotional thing to read a book, and to reduce it to a series of questions in a test strips something away from the book.

Comic strips are like a public utility. They're supposed to be there 365 days a year, and you're supposed to be able to hit the mark day after day.

I say, if you believe what you read in the comic strips, then you believe that mice run around with little gold buttons on their red pants and drive cars.

The nineteenth century lynching mob cuts off ears, toes, and fingers, strips off flesh, and distributes portions of the body as souvenirs among the crowd.

The old charters of Massachusetts, Virginia, and the Carolinas had given title to strips of territory extending from the Atlantic westward to the Pacific.

I started writing when I was 9 years old. I was like this weird kid who would just stay in my room, typing little funny magazines and drawing comic strips.

Men and women who know the brutal reality of war, who know that war strips people of their very humanity, must unite in a new global partnership for peace.

Such is the nature of comic strips. Once established, their half-life is usually more than nuclear waste. Typically, the end result is lazy, rich cartoonists.

Modern recording has made it so that people can spend forever taking shortcuts and making everything uniform, but that strips music of what makes it exciting.

If we are to succeed, we must recognize that the community redevelopment is not solely the rehabilitation of housing, or putting a mall in the business strips.

Politicians wage broad wars on medicine to claim thin strips of ideological terrain. This would be good political theater if there weren't so many human victims.

I suppose I would still prefer to sit under a tree with a picnic basket rather than under a gas pump, but signs and comic strips are interesting as subject matter.

One girl who stands out was this Miami stripper. She still lives with her mother and father, and they know she strips. They call her by her stripper name, Freaky Red.

'The Blue Dragon' uses very filmic language and involves a lot of technology. It is more cinematic than theatrical and was inspired by comic strips and graphic novels.

I find the greatest songs in the world come out of pain, and I don't like it! Here's what it does: It strips away all of your facade. It makes you so honest. It's cleansing.

The pore strips have always been a staple for me. I like products where you can really feel like it's working, and of course you can see all your blackheads getting ripped out.

The pretended physical philosophy of modern days strips Man of all his moral attributes, or holds them of no account in the estimate of his origin and place in the created world.

When the war was over and the guys were back to shaving every day, the editor thought the Beetle Bailey strips were hurting their disciplinary efforts to get the guys back to routine.

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