Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

[Suggesting her epitaph:] This is too deep for me.

[Suggesting an epitaph for herself:] This is on me.

I'm suggesting that we abolish the social function of prisons.

In suggesting gifts: Money is appropriate, and one size fits all.

I am not accusing God of sinning; I am suggesting that he created sin

Are you suggesting that we reopen the Opera with a murder as an added attraction?

I'm promoting healthy - healthier - eating, not suggesting everyone should emulate me.

People kind of tend to mystify design and architecture by suggesting you need to train.

I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.

What I am suggesting is hard work and it can be slow work, but the rewards are well worth it.

Our growth relies solely on our users suggesting to their friends to download and use Telegram.

I'm just suggesting that when you're faced with fear and anxiety, don't medicate. Meditate instead.

In no way am I supporting or suggesting that a Conservative government is a good thing, far from it.

More often than what you're suggesting, I find people are surprised that I have an urban side to me.

I've never linked team selection to offering prayers, and reports suggesting otherwise are all wrong.

Every actor has their own method, so I'm not suggesting what works for me will work for everybody else.

I am not suggesting that just by taking the Metro, I will save billions. But I hope others will follow.

President Bush is manufacturing a crisis by suggesting that Social Security is in imminent danger. It is not.

No one is suggesting societies the world over should implement an expensive basic income system in one stroke.

We are born to action; and whatever is capable of suggesting and guiding action has power over us from the first.

Regardless ofwhat happens, whatever you become, what you may do, your parents won't stop suggesting things to you.

American politicians who dwell on American exceptionalism only dishonor us by suggesting we play dumb to our past.

You can crush any woman by suggesting that she's fat, not even saying the word 'fat' but just suggesting she's fat.

Suggesting a married Jesus is one thing, but questioning the Resurrection undermines the very heart of Christian belief.

If a test showed you had telomere shortening, it would be a red flag suggesting you should take a look at possible risk factors.

Nobody is suggesting climate change won't negatively impact crop yields. It could. But such declines should be put in perspective.

I'm not suggesting that the play is without fault; all of my plays are imperfect, I'm rather happy to say-it leaves me something to do.

Photography acts as a teaser, suggesting we can know something that we can never know. And the more we can't obtain it, the more we want it.

I'm not suggesting that every moment in the match has to be huge, but you've got to space it out to have a couple of really outstanding moments.

If you were to open up a baby's head - and I am not for a moment suggesting that you should - you would find nothing but an enormous drool gland.

Military spouse employment is the issue that most people email me about when they are suggesting topics for me to cover in my Home Front' column.

My brother keeps texting me about the latest Audi and BMWs that have come. He keeps suggesting I buy one of them. He does share the specifications.

I deliberately wrote a poem in my last book where I was suggesting that there are other passions as great as or more important than the passion of sex.

Well you know I've attracted a lot of criticism by, for example, suggesting that child benefit should be taken away from higher rate taxpaying families.

I am suggesting that we recognize that in network and interface research there is something as profound (and potential wild) as Artificial Intelligence.

When black Britons draw parallels between their experiences and those of African Americans, they are not suggesting that those experiences are identical.

I've yet to see an example of somebody standing up to Donald Trump and suggesting policy initiatives and him embracing them yet. It's not happening at scale.

What I'm suggesting to you is that this could be a renaissance. We may be on the cusp of a future which could provide a tremendous leap forward for humanity.

In the aftermath of September 11, you can't - as Tony Blair was so fond of suggesting - draw a line under historical events. They don't go away. They come back.

But do not understand me as saying, or for one moment suggesting, that women legislators should confine themselves to doing only social service work. Not at all.

Unfortunately in the U.S., the courts have pretty much sided with the GMO lobby and suggesting that a farmer has no rights to be protected from GMO contamination.

I was taught by my parents that people who are loud don't have anything to say. I've found if you're suggesting quite big changes, a quiet style may be reassuring.

What I'm suggesting is making an offer to the E.U. for things that were already agreed in the withdrawal agreement that will enable us to leave with a managed exit.

In 2009, it was forecast that the number of single-person households would increase by two million in 10 years, suggesting that social isolation will only get worse.

Most of those mocking us and our works night after night have not reached the point of suggesting we are going to use those weapons. They are pretty useless right now.

But it's a strange thing when people judge you because you're not doing some big Hollywood film. Are you suggesting I should be in 'The Dukes of Hazzard?' I mean, hello?

Writers are born, not made. We can hone the craft. We need to try to encourage someone and make a dialogue, suggesting ways to do something differently or how to improve.

I'm very close to suggesting that Mr. Pitt has now served as long as he can usefully do so. He seems to take his foot out of his mouth only for purposes of changing feet.

True science is never speculative; it employs hypotheses as suggesting points for inquiry, but it never adopts the hypotheses as though they were demonstrated propositions.

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