I would go on summer vacations visiting family all over the world.

In summer moonlight, she was dangerously, inebriatingly magnified.

Orlando... So many courses & great deals, especially in the summer!

The Americans never walk. In winter too cold and in summer too hot.

Never, ever wear three-quarter length trousers. Even in the summer.

Oh, bring again my heart's content, Thou Spirit of the Summer-time!

Summer movies are all about things blowing up and you going, 'Yeah!'

There are four seasons in a year: Winter, Spring, Summer and Colour!

One must ask children and birds how cherries and strawberries taste.

The opening and the folding flowers, that laugh to the summer's day.

Whenever you take a step forward, you are bound to disturb something.

WE used to tour quite a lot during the summer with Everton in my day.

People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.

Summer grasses — all that remains of great soldiers' imperial dreams.

Tread softly for you tread on my dreams. -Honor,from the Summer King.

If you're not getting better in the summer, you're wasting your time.

O beautiful, awful summer day, what hast thou given, what taken away?

Primroses, the Spring may love them; Summer knows but little of them.

One benefit of Summer was that each day we had more light to read by.

The fire is the main comfort of the camp, whether in summer or winter

Cricket to us was more than play, it was a worship in the summer sun.

I spent my summers in Connecticut scooping ice cream and babysitting.

I equate peonies with love because they're the first blooms of summer.

The next summer, 1794, corn grew dear, and distress began in our land.

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.

Jam on a winter took away the blue devils. It was like tasting summer.

Sarah Palin should not be on vacation. She should be in summer school.

Yellow is my favorite summer color - it makes me feel like a sunflower.

In my mind, I don't necessarily associate a summer show with lightness.

Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

My job is summer camp. I come and talk and try to make a TV show funny.

The time will come when winter will ask what you were doing all summer.

Winter is dead; spring is crazy; summer is cheerful and autumn is wise!

My father-in-law lives in Montana, and we would come here every summer.

I wonder if Socrates and Plato took a house on Crete during the summer.

I've been friends with Elizabeth Banks since 'Wet Hot American Summer.'

Soon the cold would force them inside, so they clutched at lost summer.

It's hard not to fall in love with Seattle on a beautiful summer's day.

The Future, like a fruitfuller Summer, sits Ripening her Eden silently.

A late summer garden has a tranquility found no other time of the year.

My love for you will still be strong after the boys of summer have gone.

I spent a whole summer working on what proved to be 'A Game of Thrones'.

We played on a sandlot all summer. There was no little league back then.

Stormy skies, says Ernesto. He grieved for them. Summer rain. Childhood.

If a June night could talk, it would probably boast it invented romance.

Through buried paths, where sleepy twilight dreams The summer time away.

. . . I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days. . . .

After graduating in the summer of 1980, I knew I wanted my life to count.

The fire in leaf and grass so green it seems each summer the last summer.

Summer has filled her veins with light and her heart is washed with noon.

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