In the summer of 80, Silhouette bought my first book.

I was 13 and at summer camp when I had my first kiss.

The harshest winter finds an invincible summer in us.

Jev stroked his chin. "Do I look like a summer fling?

Why is summer mist romantic and autumn mist just sad?

You know you're grown up when summer is just a season.

Summer lasts not for ever; seasons succeed each other.

August creates as she slumbers, replete and satisfied.

I'd be happy with this summer if it's all we ever had.

Beneath the winter's snow lie germs of summer flowers.

'RoboCop' was maybe the best summer of my entire life.

A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.

In the summer of '80, Silhouette bought my first book.

The end of spring- the poet is brooding about editors.

The first time I did stand-up was the summer I was 17.

Summer for prose and lemons, for nakedness and languor.

There shall be an eternal summer in the grateful heart.

It's not the winter that bothers me - it's the summers.

Spring and summer in Pittsburgh mean outdoor festivals.

Among the delights of Summer were picnics to the woods.

Summer, summer, summertime time to sit back and unwind.

The system decides you can't run schools in the summer.

My parents are both teachers, so we had the summers off.

I very much looked up to Janet Evans and Summer Sanders.

Larry Summers is to modesty what Madonna is to Chastity.

This summer I have discovered something totally useless.

At 4, I joined a summer rec team called the Sugar Bears.

For they are the knights of summer, and winter is coming.

Lady love, your love is peaceful like the summers breeze.

I live in Canada in the summer and some time in the fall.

Nothing says summer to me more than Notting Hill Carnival.

Without continuity, men would become like flies in summer.

Summer specializes in time, slows it down almost to dream.

Like streams that keep a summer mind Snow-hid in Jenooary.

Summer has always been my favorite season. I feel happier.

Buy straw hats in the wintertime. Summer will surely come.

It is good even to be a fisherman in summer and in winter.

Summer and the laugh of my daughter make me believe in god.

You know it is summer in Ireland when the rain gets warmer.

Integrity is so perishable in the summer months of success.

Summer night-- even the stars are whispering to each other.

One swallow is a coincidence, but two swallows make summer.

The English winter - ending in July to recommence in August

In summer winter rain or sun, it's good to be on horseback.

Hot July brings cooling showers, Apricots and gillyflowers.

Hope smiled when your nativity was cast, Children of Summer!

Boating on the lake is one of my favorite summer activities.

It's a sure sign of summer if the chair gets up when you do.

The news of my pregnancy spread like a forest fire in summer

As far as I am concerned, freedom summer never really ended.

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