I got to learn to surf.

Just shred baby, shred.

I started surfing at 10.

If in doubt, paddle out.

Waves are toys from God.

Out of water, I am nothing.

Surfing is attitude dancing.

Gone surfing. Be back soon. -D

We're all equal before a wave.

Thank God for a few free waves.

Surfing - I have to go surfing.

I'm surfing the giant life wave.

Now you know where I got my name.

Surfer girls rip and they are hot

Surfing is something I just crave.

I've tried body surfing. It's nice.

I wasn't a great background singer.

It's all about where your mind's at

I've been surfing since I was a kid.

Surfing is my religion, if I have one.

Surfing is my great passion in Hawaii.

Wiping out is an underappreciated skill.

I don't need easy, I just need possible.

There is not one right way to ride a wave.

I suck at surfing. I can't pull myself up.

I enjoy the sea more than I enjoy surfing.

I'm like the Ben Affleck of crowd surfing.

Surfing was something I always wanted to do.

J-Bay displays the best of people’s surfing.

I come from a traditional theater background.

I've committed to surfing the rest of my life.

I have been surfing since I was six years old.

The first time I went crowd surfing was heaven.

It's not tragic to die doing something you love.

The surfing - the waves in Indonesia are amazing.

I still feel like my best surfing is ahead of me.

Surfing is real private. It's a solo, loner sport.

I'm pretty Net-savvy. My surfing time is precious.

I grew up knowing [Jack Johnson], surfing with him.

But I came from a conservative Republican background.

It looks easy, like surfing, but surfing is hard too.

I love fishing and surfing, and I work out every day.

The rule of surfing is never tell anyone where you go.

I was a serious method actor until I visited this site.

We could all get along if we just hang out at iSurfing.

I tried surfing once in Brazil, but I'm kind of clumsy.

You gotta go in the mud sometimes to figure who you are.

Surfing's the source. Can change your life. Swear to god

My education and background thoroughly inform my writing

Three most important things in life, surf, surf and surf.

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