Life is full of surprises.

Surprises can be compelling.

Dickens is always full of surprises.

Hindsight bias makes surprises vanish.

Nothing surprises me about Berry Gordy.

Nothing surprises me anymore in the NFL.

Life is full of challenges and surprises.

I like the serendipitous surprises of reality.

Nothing, for the most part, surprises me anymore.

There are always surprises in the Champions League.

Content that surprises the audience will attract them.

I'm dumbfounded, but nothing surprises me in this game.

I never want to do the same things twice. I like surprises.

There are no words to describe Messi; he always surprises you.

I'm about possibilities and about surprises and the life force.

My life is so full of surprises, nothing surprises me any more.

Life is full of challenges and surprises, and I've had my share.

What I love is that 'Game of Thrones' is always up for surprises.

My surprises come usually once I start rolling and photographing.

In baseball, nothing surprises me. I understand this is a business.

Life is full of surprises, and you need to be ready for everything.

Life is an aggregate of experience, which continually surprises us.

I have my own vocabulary. I love linguistics. That surprises people.

I find life so shocking in general. Everything about it surprises me.

That Dick Cheney is pro-torture surprises no one; he freely admits it.

When ideas are confronted with reality, there will always be surprises.

Passion surprises. One doesn't search it. It can happen to you tomorrow.

One mind can think only of its own questions; it rarely surprises itself.

My love can't be purchased... Best gifts have been well-thought-out surprises.

I've been around a long time, and life still has a whole lot of surprises for me.

Life surprises you. It happens to the best of actors, we have good and bad phases.

High IQ individuals don't like surprises and are pessimistic, because it's logical.

A truly great magazine cover surprises, even shocks, and connects in a nano-second.

A drama critic is a person who surprises the playwright by informing him what he meant.

Unforeseen surprises are the rule in science, not the exception. Remember: Stuff happens.

I always play so many different styles that I don't think anything I do surprises anyone.

I always love to be careful with my expectations so that life has pleasant surprises for me.

Posterity makes the judgments. There are going to be a lot of surprises in store for everybody.

Comedy is surprises, so if you're intending to make somebody laugh and they don't laugh, that's funny.

It is an endless procession of surprises. The expected rarely occurs and never in the expected manner.

When the narrator says, 'This is a story without surprises,' most of the time, this is not what happens.

Surprises are foolish things. The pleasure is not enhanced, and the inconvenience is often considerable.

What surprises me most about God is that the creator of the universe should want a relationship with me.

I'm actually a bit of a technophobe, which surprises people. I like to stay unplugged as much as possible.

I think there's a part in each one of us that wants the impossible to happen, and that's what surprises are.

Economists must always be prepared for surprises: they find many in trying to find order in the universe of their study.

I love driving around east London - it's always full of surprises. Actually, I don't drive myself - I like to be driven.

Nothing really surprises me anymore. You put yourself out there - you're open and honest with what you have to deal with.

I think it surprises a lot of people that I'm still around, you know, still - that I'm not pushing up daisies, as they say.

It surprises me that criticism on social media is worst than ever... more and more people tend to seek perfection in others.

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