I have Tourettes syndrome.

I'm Chris Martin with down syndrome

The opposite of sad is down's syndrome.

Everyone gets that second album syndrome.

Did vampirism encourage Stockholm syndrome?

The NIH syndrome (Not Invented Here) is a disease.

The eye condition that I have is Marfan's Syndrome.

There is a syndrome in sports called 'paralysis by analysis.'

I don't really have Down's syndrome; I just have a slight case of it.

God gave me Parkinson's syndrome to show me I'm not 'The Greatest' - he is.

I've always been intrigued by Stockholm Syndrome. Reminds me of my childhood.

Stop it. Do not feel safe with him. The Stockholm Syndrome is not your friend.

...Genuine pathological openness is about as seductive as Tourette's Syndrome.

I can drink like a fish, or at least, someone born with fetal alcohol syndrome.

Women are my biggest defenders. It's that bad-boy syndrome. Now girls chase me.

Once you have a Down's syndrome child, you can't conform. In a way, you're free.

There's never been anything like the so-called Vietnam Syndrome: it's mostly a fabrication.

The name of my condition is Cartilage Hair Syndrome Hypoplasia, but you can just call me Billy.

If I woke up and didn't have Tourette's syndrome, it would feel weird - not better or worse, just different.

Smile, jew. Dance, jew. Tell me you love me, jew...I got the extermination blues, jewboys. I got the hitler syndrome figured

From a scientific standpoint, Aspergers and autism are one syndrome. Aspergers is part of the autism spectrum, not a separate disorder.

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