Tackling childhood obesity is key.

You've got to be smart about tackling.

I love tackling, it's better than sex!

Tackling is my favorite part of the game.

I believe in tackling things you're afraid of.

I love tackling, love it. Its better than sex.

I love tackling, love it. It's better than sex.

Football is about tackling, about winning the ball.

Glee' is a great show in terms of tackling social issues.

I know that my way of tackling a character is very different.

Our party's committed to tackling failing schools and cutting crime.

The importance of tackling inequality in Africa cannot be overstated.

Tackling and playing well in space against any spread offense is very important.

Tackling still comes down to leverage and owning that leverage and making your hits.

The two greatest priorities for my government are tackling tax evasion and corruption.

Tackling affordable housing via land use planning won't necessarily solve the problem.

Tackling, and that ability to stay on your feet and pressurise a player, is a dying art.

An important lever for sustained action in tackling poverty and reducing hunger is money.

You have to respect the bowler, and every batsmen have their way of tackling the spinners.

Shows like 'All in the Family' and now 'Mom' - there's a tradition of tackling real issues.

Getting kids moving is a key factor in tackling obesity and health problems among the young.

That's what acting is about - for me, at least - tackling different personas and characters.

Real leadership means tackling tough problems ourselves and not leaving them to our children.

Labor has a proud history of tackling discrimination and introducing important social reform.

Tackling climate change can make us world leaders in burgeoning markets for green technology.

Now listen lads, I'm not happy with our tackling. We're hurting them but they keep getting up.

Let me be clear: I recognise the necessity of tackling antisemitism in the Labour party head-on.

The essence of football was blocking, tackling, and execution based on timing, rhythm and deception.

We proved that we are still a people capable of doing big things and tackling our biggest challenges.

Tackling deprivation around the world is a moral imperative and firmly in Britain's national interest.

I believe pulsed electromagnetism has a role to play in tackling cancer and I will always believe that.

I like tackling problems that I can see making an impact on real people and real businesses immediately.

When it comes to tackling your financial goals, whatever they might be, there's no time like the present.

I have always been comfortable in possession, but it is tracking and tackling that I have been working on.

A Tory government with a decent mandate seems the only hope of tackling the fiscal catastrophe responsibly.

Tax time is the perfect opportunity to jumpstart your spring-cleaning by tackling your financial to-do list.

I think the way you present yourself to the world, whatever kind of task you're tackling, is really important.

I'm a firm believer that there's no way that a six-year-old should have a helmet on and learn a tackling drill.

Tackling the extreme gap between the rich and the poor and tackling climate change is part of the same struggle.

The first principle of tackling corruption is that you do not engage in it and you have the will to confront it.

I have been a policymaker proven in tackling some very complex social issues on the municipal level here in Boston.

I do like to play and pass the ball. But first and foremost I see myself as a defender: blocking, tackling, heading.

Some people try to find things in this game that don't exist but football is only two things - blocking and tackling.

Progress to reduce hunger is being made by tackling both the cause and the consequences of extreme poverty and famine.

Certain things come naturally, and tackling wasn't one of them; I'd sometimes go a bit over the top when I was younger.

American research and resources have literally changed the face of humanity, by tackling deadly and once-deadly diseases.

I don't think tackling is a quality. It is a recurso, something you have to resort to, not a characteristic of your game.

Liverpool midfielder Xabi Alonso was always bemused by our enthusiasm for tackling, because he saw it as the last resort.

The key to tackling Islamist fundamentalism and terrorism from the Islamist community is in the hands of moderate Muslims.

This is a physical game, and that's how you have to play. When you do that, the defense eventually gets tired of tackling you.

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