Clancy had taught me well.

My father taught only math.

The game taught me the game.

Highly fed and lowly taught.

You have to be taught to hate.

I was taught that pain is bad.

Students were taught by doing.

Diabetes taught me discipline.

The truth is lived, not taught.

Religion is caught, not taught.

Kids have to be taught to hate.

We are taught words, not ideas.

Better untaught than ill-taught.

My mum taught me to have a soul.

Who taught you to hate yourself?

My father taught me how to hunt.

My mother taught me how to write.

Attitudes are caught, not taught.

Enthusiasm is caught, not taught.

Some girls are taught to be sexy.

Art can only be taught by artists.

He taught me to trust in tomorrow.

Faith is caught rather than taught.

They taught me different was wrong.

Fox taught me how to sing and dance

My fear of anger taught me nothing.

Schools teach the need to be taught.

Nothing worth knowing can be taught.

Most men are unwilling to be taught.

We by art unteach what Nature taught.

I taught high school students Spanish.

Many people who excel are self-taught.

Emotions have taught mankind to reason.

My childhood taught me nothing... zero.

I love learning, but hate being taught.

Painting taught literature to describe.

Is virtue something that can be taught?

We're all taught to blend in and behave.

It is good to be taught even by an enemy

The mob taught me how to play gin rummy.

Marlo taught me things I thought I knew.

Genius must be born, it can't be taught.

Pity is best taught by fellowship in woe.

You haven't taught until they've learned.

You've got to be taught to hate and fear.

My mom taught me not to talk about money.

Programming is usually taught by examples.

First he wrought, and afterward he taught.

Nature's lay idiot, I taught thee to love.

Let our children be taught love love love.

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