Self-love is the first teacher of self-renunciation.

A self-defined challenge is an irresistible teacher.

True teaching liberates the student from his teacher.

Teacher, there are things that I don't want to learn.

Love and delight are better teachers than compulsion.

Allow situations in your life to become your teacher.

Every child grows; everything depends on the teacher.

My history teacher was so old, he taught from memory.

learning 's a gift, even when "pain" ,s your teacher!

There are certain teachers who shouldn't be teachers.

Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle.

Experience is our only teacher both in war and peace.

It takes a long time to bring excellence to maturity.

Every teacher of Transcendental Meditation is a hero.

When rap music needed to have a teacher, I became it.

She's my teacher, my adviser, my greatest inspiration.

Trees and fields tell me nothing: men are my teachers.

On technology: The teacher is mightier than the mouse.

To teach is to touch the heart and impel it to action.

No wonder the teacher knows so much; she has the book.

I'm lucky I had some teachers who saw something in me.

I'm lucky I had some teachers who saw something in me.

The best teacher for a leader is evaluated experience.

A teacher is never too smart to learn from his pupils.

A teacher that can be replaced by a machine should be.

I'm a teacher still, but with a much larger classroom.

Teachers are the one and only people who save nations.

Becoming enlightened is not special, but it's unusual.

I would probably be a teacher if I weren't a comedian.

My sister is an ER doctor and my brother is a teacher.

My main language was music, and my teacher was nature.

Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.

The teacher you need is the person you're living with.

If you don't have a teacher you can't have a disciple.

I want to work with kids. I would love to be a teacher.

My sister is an ER doctor, and my brother is a teacher.

A teacher of mine once said there are no true synonyms.

The secret in education lies in respecting the student.

I want teachers to teach, and I want Oreos to be eaten.

Love is the greatest preacher and the greatest teacher.

The reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another.

The great pilot can sail even when his canvass is rent.

A good teacher explains, while a great teacher inspires

A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.

I would rather be thought of as a teacher than a coach.

I'm not a writer who teaches. I'm a teacher who writes.

Even enlightened despots don't make very good teachers.

Teachers need to be comfortable talking about feelings.

If I'd stayed at college I would have become a teacher.

Every parent is a teacher... But not all parents teach.

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