British girls are as temperamental as Americans.

I have a bad reputation for being temperamental.

My co-workers expect me to be late and temperamental.

I'm very emotional, very explosive, very temperamental.

An actor has no more right to be temperamental than a bank clerk.

I'm more temperamental. As I've got older, I've become more demanding.

We know South Americans are impulsive and temperamental and cannot lose.

I am not temperamental. I just know what I want and if I don't have it, I try to get it.

Coffee must be treated gently and smoothed out. I hadn't realised it was so temperamental.

I'll tell ya, I'm a genuinely nice guy. I really am. A real nice guy. But I think I'm temperamental.

If they're not temperamental, I don't want them. It's in the nature of a great artist to be that way.

The moment you say, 'Please, give me a reason for this', then you are being impossible and temperamental.

I have superdry skin, and it's really temperamental, and I feel like oils are the best thing for my face.

I would say, as loving as I am... I am definitely an extremely temperamental man who has a very large temper.

You can always wake up on the wrong side of the bed and, boo-hiss, everyone suffers. We can all be temperamental.

Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it's too assertive to the naked eye.

Sam Wood, the director, made most of his money as a real estate agent; there was nothing of the temperamental artist about him.

I used to have terrible tantrums. I was temperamental when I was younger. Actually, what I needed was a swift kick in the pants. What a brat!

I prefer catchy, passionate, temperamental music. And as an upside of that, Ghost's repertoire has, over the years, been piqued by a few, sort of, hits.

I'm mad, they say. I am temperamental and dizzy and disagreeable. Well, let them talk. I can take it. Only one person can hurt me. Her name is Ida Lupino.

Horses calm me. I love being around them. They smell great, they are beautiful to look at, they are loving, demanding, temperamental, and they settle you.

The institution of marriage has been something that - we have a very temperamental relationship, marriage and I. I've seen a lot of not great examples of it.

Chocolate is one of the backbones of the pastry kitchen. It is one of the most important ingredients in our pantry. It is very versatile, it is complex, and it is extremely temperamental.

Most films I've worked on have had large casts, but they've been wonderful people. I think the monkey in Pirates of the Caribbean is the most temperamental costar I've had. It would throw tantrums like you wouldn't believe.

The sacrifice musicians make, the results they achieve are fantastic. These are the big people as far as I am concerned. So if they are temperamental, I don't hold it against them after all they had to go through to get to the top.

Stars are like thoroughbreds. Yes, it's a little more dangerous with them. They are more temperamental. You have to be careful because you can be thrown. But when they do what they do best - whatever it is that's made them a star - it's really exciting.

I certainly have gotten caught up in the music business at various times in my life, mostly because you want to get along with whatever record company you're dealing with. I don't want to be flaky. I don't want to be some temperamental, hard-to-work-with musician.

Growing up in Vancouver in the 1950s, I was often capricious and temperamental, quick to laugh, even quicker to feel despair, prone to flailing my arms, pouting and crying when things didn't go my way, or I thought something was unfair, or I was bullied by my sisters.

I am very fussy; I am very detailed; I nag a lot. So in a sense, I am like Mr. Ping. I am temperamental, I am emotional, I'm fussy, and I'm very exact. And I want people to not fail; I want them to execute - all those things Mr. Ping wants in other people. Or animals.

I liked Columbia, but it was like high school in that there was this big social world that I was not part of. I existed on the side, far away. That might be temperamental, my own fear of large groups, more than anything else. But I had a handful of professors who meant a lot to me.

I'm a very temperamental person, but when you are wearing the captain's armband for Real Madrid or the national team, it's best to express yourself in a different way. You have to maintain a sense of unity - a good atmosphere where everyone feels happy is one of the keys to success, and that's something you shouldn't lose.

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