I am an avid tennis player.

I actually wanted to be a tennis player.

I'm actually a pretty good tennis player!

I'm a decent tennis player. Good backhand.

I was a tennis player in high school and college.

I always just thought of myself as a tennis player.

When I was growing up, I wanted to be a tennis player.

As a tennis player, normally you lose almost every week.

If I weren't a tennis player, I'd probably be a psychologist.

I know my serve stinks, but I was a pretty good tennis player.

My favorite tennis player, who I'm amazed by, is Roger Federer.

I'm a good tennis player, and I've never done so good on grass.

It's that I have a good personality and am a good tennis player.

There's a lot of ingredients go into being a good tennis player.

Every good tennis player has to have a short memory. Good or bad.

I can be a tennis player, a golf player, and even a soccer player.

Because I was a tennis player, Billie Jean King was a hero of mine.

Being a 6-foot-tall tennis player is not great for a girl's social life.

To be a professional tennis player you need to put in these sort of hours.

I would love to have been a tennis player simply because of Serena Williams.

That top 100 is a big barrier that every tennis player strives to break into.

My dad was a professional basketball player, and my mom was a hell of a tennis player.

Nick Kyrgios, if you don't want to be a professional tennis player, do something else.

My mother said I would have more chances to become a tennis player than a football player.

As a child, I wanted to be an athlete, a professional tennis player or something like that.

This is what I've always wanted to do. I've always wanted to be a professional tennis player.

I used to play lots of sports. I used to be a good tennis player. I used to be a decent golfer.

I know I'm not the best tennis player there's ever been, but calling me a loser is just ignorance.

Spending time in airports and planes is probably my least favourite part of being a tennis player.

My reality was that I would become a tennis player. I never had any doubt about it. It was my life.

My audiences have given me lots of love as a tennis player. I hope they appreciate my passion for acting.

I think in the lifetime of a tennis player there are many times where you feel that tremendous confidence.

My parents always taught me not to be a good tennis player or the best in what I'm doing, but to be polite.

There are a lot of hours and a lot of sacrifices you have to make to achieve your dreams as a tennis player.

I didn't know I could even be a professional tennis player, honestly. All this is actually very, very unexpected.

To win a gold medal at Olympic Games has long been my dream ever since I started my career as a table tennis player.

When I was five, I wanted to be a cleaning lady; when I was nine, I wanted to be the world's number one tennis player.

It's very expensive to be a professional tennis player with all the travel and the flights and the hotels and everything.

Everyone needs a coach. It doesn't matter whether you're a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player.

I started in a very small tennis club in a South American country where I never thought about becoming the best tennis player.

In Hollywood people lie to each other and cheat each other and then go and play tennis. But I don't want to be a tennis player.

The majority of people don't even realise I was a tennis player. The older you get, the less people remember what you did before.

It's silly to say it about a tennis player, but I'm an unbelievable hero in Germany. And Germany needs heroes more than any place.

As a tennis player, you have a record, and that is what counts. I feel like I enjoyed myself, and I'm proud of what I accomplished.

Serena Williams is the greatest tennis player of all time, the greatest female athlete of all time, the greatest athlete of all time.

I am a hero worshiper. I love the number one tennis player. I love the number one baseball player. I want to see those records broken.

I love an actor who comes in, ready to work. It's like a good tennis player. They hit the ball where you don't expect it, and it's great.

There is so much that goes in to being a good tennis player. It's not just what you can do well on the court, it's between the ears as well.

I understand popular entertainment better than anyone. I want to have the world's No. 1 tennis player, the hottest movie, the biggest artist.

There are a lot of pretty girls. I am a tennis player first of all, that is why I am here, and if wasn't producing results no one would notice me.

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