Wearing a hat is fun; people have a good time when they're wearing a hat.

I was out to have a good time and have some fun. It's a fun script and fun people are in the movie.

Oh, 'Wild Things.' I haven't seen it since it came out! But you know, it was a fun romp. We had a really good time.

I enjoy horse riding, spending time with my dog 'Smurf,' and basically having a really good laugh partying and having fun!

I definitely had fun being a waiter. I can't say for sure that I was a good waiter. I think that I made people have a good time.

If we could all figure out a way to just be true to ourselves and have a good time doing what we're doing, it would be a lot more fun.

Problems and issues will always be there, and they'll never leave our side, so the object is to have a good time and make fun out of whatever we do.

If you put drag in front of anything, it inherently makes it more fun. So mashing up films with cult followings with drag queens is a natural fit for a good time.

I think that American people really know how to pursue fun, they really know how to have a good time. Japanese are somewhat more reserved than Americans, so I'm jealous.

Television's so quick, and there's so many other fun elements to it, but you don't get such good scripts and the time to really make much more three dimensional characters.

You still should enjoy the beach and going outside. Having a good time at the beach can still include being smart about protecting your skin because getting burned is no fun at all.

I don't just want to sing about simplistic things all the time. It's good to have a mix of songs that have a real depth, and that provoke and challenge people, and then songs that are fun and people can enjoy.

I went to see every angler on the bank to see how they were doing, to try to give them a few tips or whatever. But yeah, we had a lot of fun. It was definitely a good time and we're definitely going to do it again next year.

Obviously, a theatrical masterpiece needs more than a plot; many television shows are nothing but plot, and it is doubtful that they will stand the test of time. But I also don't think that making fun of plot or acting like we're all somehow 'above' structure is such a good idea.

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