Fifty per cent of rock is having a good time.

Clock watchers never seem to be having a good time.

I like dressing sexy, and I like having a good time.

If you're not really having a good time, it's not worth it.

If I'm not complaining, I'm not having a good time, hah hah!

I'm all about having a good time and respecting my teammates.

I don't want to miss out on the chance of having a good time.

I'm having a good time. Managing my things takes a lot of time.

The clubs are good fun-having a laugh, really having a good time.

I'm like anyone else, if I'm not having a good time you'll hear it.

In 'To Kill a Mockingbird,' I was just playing and having a good time.

Am I complicated? Nah, I'm interesting. I just like having a good time.

I've calmed down, certainly, from the days of being 18, but I'm still having a good time.

I think the best riffs and the best songs come when you're jamming and having a good time.

Usually, when I'm having a good time, I don't think about it that much. I tend to become more reflective or introspective.

I want to make sure everyone's having a good time because when I ask you to come to my movie, I'm throwing a party for you. I want you to enjoy it.

I can't get carried away with having a good time because everyone, especially the young guys, have to know there's a time and place for everything.

I was out in L.A. and I had gone to film school and I was out here for a couple of years. For a lot of years, I was bartending and having a good time.

We were expected to smile and be flirty to everyone. But we acted more like a male rock band. We never mastered the niceties. We were more interested in having a good time.

I'm telling you, it's so exciting playing out there because I'm playing well, you have the crowd behind you, and it's such a good feeling. I'm really having a good time out there.

All the other guys I think had a scream on Lock, Stock. They just had a laugh and a crack, and thought it would never come out; they were just having a good time. On this one, I felt that.

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