I want to go out, play music and have a good time.

My aim is just to make good music every single time.

When there are dogs and music, people have a good time.

I think music is to have fun. It's for people to have a good time with.

I write lyrics based on music, on a musical flow, and what sounds good at the time.

We just get up there and play rock-and-roll music, man. Everybody sweats and has a good time.

Getting to make the music, and having a good time doing it, is the most important thing to us.

Most good things happen with time; especially music, which needs time to breathe and to find its own way.

I wanted 'Second Sky' to be my way of recommending truly good music to my audience that I think is worthy of their time.

I write music just for me. I'm certainly not good enough to do it on any kind of a level but I enjoy that time because it's quiet.

We grew up with break-dancing and MCing, the old school, that whole era of just having a good time and knowing that the music was good.

When I don't have a good time making music, I think of quitting a lot. I really do. I can create something else. I'll do something else.

Nothing sounded as sincere as Nirvana's music. It took a long time for me to accept that any other music could be good in other ways. Including my own.

Every time I looked in the mirror, it was like, 'You're not good enough.' 'There's always someone more popular.' 'There's always someone more gifted in music.'

I like there to be a good atmosphere in the dressing room, for music to be played before matches. We have to entertain the fans and have a good time ourselves.

I didn't pretend that I was good at writing music, so I wrote terrible music, intentionally. As time went on, the terrible subsided, and I started getting good.

There's nothing like a music festival. People are ready to have a good time. I don't think anyone comes to a festival going, 'I'm gonna be a complete bummer today.'

It has been a contented journey, as I made it without a filmi background tag, but at the same time, a lot remains to be done because there is much good music in me.

I always pick myself up by doing a dance session. I turn on really good music and have a lot of food and mentally I just take that time to cocoon and rebuild myself.

I would be happy to live in a world with no mirrors, but at the same time, it's great to look good on stage because you feel you're offering more than just the music.

Everything is temporary. I don't know how long will I have my time here in the industry. I want to concentrate in making good music. That will be my biggest satisfaction.

It must surprise people that I'm such a rap fan, but it's true. Sometimes, just staying in, putting on some rap music, and letting loose is all I need to have a good time.

I was surrounded by a bunch of friends who made music, and at the time, I thought they were good. They used to tell me I was really bad, but it ended being up the opposite.

Baseball fans! Good lord! I feel like sports fans get mad at you easier than country music fans. It scares me. I'm glad that country fans don't get mad every time I mess up.

I sat out a few years because I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do next. So many things were changing in music and in culture, so it seemed like a good time to step back.

The same reason why we're doing music is the same reason why Motown did: to make the world a better place and to make people happy. The main message is, just have a good time.

One and the same thing can at the same time be good, bad, and indifferent, e.g., music is good to the melancholy, bad to those who mourn, and neither good nor bad to the deaf.

I think the world is ready for some rock 'n' roll. Some real time guys that play their own instruments, write their own songs, and sing the music and have a good time doing it.

Horns really make a good band. They always create excitement when it's needed. They give the music a broader spread. It doesn't have to be all guitars and keyboards all the time.

The music has a very strong escapist quality to it. In the moment where you feel like you need to escape, or when you are escaping, that's a good time to listen to 'When the Night.'

When I started making music I wanted it to have a narrative and be conceptual, but as time went on I thought it was probably more practical for a first album just to have good music.

I personally don't like to draw a line between 'K-pop' and pop music, but I do think it is a good time for K-pop artists to be shown to the world, because the world is just ready for it.

See, I'm not a very open person, face-to-face. I'm no good at sharing my feelings with others, good or bad. I kind of close up. Music is the only time I can open up and actually say things.

I got a reputation for being 'eclectic' or some damn thing like that, but to me, the different kinds of music I play are all the same stuff - good time music - and it is the only stuff I can do.

That's what my music does for me. It makes people happy. When I play, I thank the Lord I've never seen someone walk away from a Dick Dale dance not having a good time. That's what it's all about.

Dance music is about having a good time, and a lot of dance music is very serious now. When progressive house and progressive tech came along, it was kind of serious, but it's all context as well.

The argument we always used to use was that keeping records in the catalog was good for people that were coming new to the music, but I think that was talking over a ten year or fifteen year time span.

It sounds kind of cliche, and a lot of people say it about our music, but I think a good place to hear our music for the first time is on vacation, or somewhere warm, on the beach or something like that.

I enjoy certain things, but I don't go out; I don't party. I just like watching movies, making fun music, and having a good time hanging out with the people who helped me get here - I'm a really simple guy.

My husband is a composer, so he plays piano all the time and I sit there and clap telling my unborn child, 'Hear me clap, hear the music.' I know music, in general, is supposed to be good for babies to hear.

Acting - I'm good at it, but it's not my passion. Music, I'm not as good at, but that's my passion. I think I'm just going to go with the flow, wait until one picks up, and take the opportunities one at the time.

When it's time to make music, that's about getting lost for me. To be a control freak is not half as good as being a freak who's casually in control. You're feeling around in the dark for something that feels good.

We never considered ourselves to be a good band or anything, we just thought we were playing for fun and we wanted to play music that sounded like Black Sabbath or Soundgarden or the music we were into at that time.

I like to make music that feels good, that I can listen to with my mom and dad. I don't think you'll see me swinging on a wrecking ball any time soon! But if I do, that will be a day! My dad might have a heart attack.

Spending most of my time on chess there is not much else I can be much good at but I enjoy spending time with my wife, parents, siblings and friends, listening to music, some sports, the Web and well... the usual stuff.

When we made that album with Gary Moore, I was still kind of searching for the right direction for myself. Although the music is quite good the direction was like a box of fireworks that caught light all at the same time.

Any time you can give consumers more of what they want, it's a good thing. Unbundling the album is a good thing. In the case of music - because it is content that you can slice into songs - doing that is of huge benefit to consumers.

I firmly believe that we have more latent musical talent in America than there is in any other country. But to dig it out there must be good music throughout the land, a lot of it. Everyone must hear it, and such a process takes time.

It took a long time for hip-hop to become commercial. Now there's all these big black icons that came from nowhere to somewhere. Look at Jay-Z! People stopped being threatened by the music and just started to appreciate that it's good.

I feel basically good about my career because it's remained constant. What I do has never been especially in vogue or gotten high on the charts. At the same time, I haven't had to stop performing any of my music because it aged in style.

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