I've been doing dramas for a long time.

I'm a workaholic. I've been doing my job for a long time.

I'm always studying and I've been doing it for a long time now.

I've had nine failed pilots. I've been doing TV for a long time.

Spike Lee's been doing it for a long time now. We're all standing on his shoulders.

A career is something that you train for and prepare for and plan on doing for a long time.

My career proves that you can be on top for a long period of time by doing things that come naturally.

I have not done too much television because I do not like doing one project over a very long period of time.

I want to be like a Christy Turlington, still doing my craft and still killing it. I want longevity and to be able to do this for a really long time.

I started doing stand-up when I was 15 and doing Letterman when I was 20. So I've been doing stand-up comedy and clubs for over 30 years. That's a long time.

I spent a long time in London on the stage, and you knew exactly what you were going to be doing. You not only knew the performance, but you also knew exactly where you would stand.

You know, for a long time I have been of the opinion that artists don't necessarily know what they're doing. You don't necessarily know what kind of universal concept you're tapping into.

I'm also performing regularly in Southern California with two bands. As a solo artist doing acoustic sets and a member of the Jenerators, my rock n roll band that has been around for a long time now.

We rehearsed our 'Scarface' to the nines. Long period of rehearsal, so that by the time we started to shoot, it was almost like doing a play. We all had a grand time doing it. It was a wonderful cast.

One thing I won't be doing on a weekend is shopping. I just don't like it, and I haven't bought an article of clothing for a very long time. I usually just take wardrobe from shows I'm on. It's much easier.

After playing Saffy in 'Ab Fab', I needed to take time out from acting to see if I really wanted to do it. I had been doing it for a very long time and I was being sent the same sort of scripts again and again.

I gotta admit, when you've been doing this a long time, going out to the audience and asking for them to help out with crowdfunding, it's a gut check. You never know how that's gonna turn out. Luckily for us, it turned out well.

Mountains were once my big adventure but is is over since a long time; I still dream from the wonderful days sometimes, read also a few pages from a mountain book. But the thought of doing again active mountain climbing has faded.

I've been a runner a long time. When I first got into it, I started doing small triathlons in Chicago, and I just did it to get in shape. When I got out of college, I put on a few pounds like everybody does. I did it when I was in my early 20s, but I never really did any long runs.

I had been doing all my school plays, elementary school, middle school, and high school, and then summer. I'd wanted to act for a long time, and I thought I was going to go to college and do theater, go that route. But 'Superbad' kind of fell on my lap. I was very, very lucky for that.

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